

Does a Maltese require lots of attention?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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yes ,they are really social animals and love attention

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Q: Does a Maltese require lots of attention?
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I own a Maltese and he is the most beautiful dog you can own. He does not shed he does not smell like a dog. He's very smart and playful and He's my best friend.

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Well Maltese dogs are very playful but the do have Housebreaking problems, They don't like being left alone or ignored they need lots of attention, also Barking, Grooming Without frequent brushing and combing, Maltese become a matted mess, Providing enough socialization.

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yeah, totally! =) Maltese dogs are super cool, they are playful, and snuggly too. they need some attention, though. so if you want to buy a Maltese puppy or a grown dog, or ANY Maltese, make sure you pay attention to it! =) hope this helped!

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A horse that does not require a lot of attention in terms of not needing lots of special food or constant attention by a veterinarian or farrier (horse shoer) generally is called "an easy keeper". But don't forget that horses are herd animals and need to have lots of attention from their herd mates (other horses) and lots of care and affection from those who own them. All horses need a safe environment, access to grass or hay, a constant supply of fresh water, daily attention, and periodic visits from the vet and the farrier.

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here is a website with lots of mixed dog breeds and what they look like this is a pic. of a Pomeranian and Maltese hope you enjoy!!!!

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Teacup pomeranian, Teacup maltese.

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