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A QTIP trust (a.k.a. C trust), which is typically created at the death of the first spouse to die, grants the surviving spouse a lifetime right to the income of the trust (at least annually) while transfering the remainder interest to individual(s) of the grantor's choosing. This qualifies for the unlimited marital deduction even though the spouse does not receive outright access to the assets in the trust. Even though this IS a terminable interest (usually disqualifying the marital deduction), the QTIP will qualify for the unlimted marital deduction since the surviving spouse will be required to include, in his/her gross estate, the fair market value, at the surviving spouse's date of death, the assets of the trust. The assets are taxed later in the surviving spouse's gross estate, but they will pass to the beneficiary of the trust, chosen by the first-to-die-spouse, at the surviving spouse's death.

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