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Yes. Wombats tend to be solitary, antisocial creatures, which hide in burrows.

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Q: Does a Wombat hide from other animals?
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Can wombat be camouflaged?

yes a wombat can be camoflaged because of their brownish color they match with their background that makes it easier for the wombat to hide. and thats why because of their camoflage on the road they get killed

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How does a hairy nosed wombat hide or escape from its enemies?

A wombat warns off intruders with an aggressive display of head shaking, gnashing teeth and a guttural growl. The hairy-nosed wombat lives in burrows it digs with its strong claws. Burrows provide wombats with protection from predators, weather and bushfires. A predator following a wombat into its burrow can be crushed against the roof by the wombat's powerful rump. For defence, the wombat literally uses its backside. It has extra tough, thick skin on its lower back. Because a wombat's burrow is only just big enough for the wombat itself to fit into, in the event of a dog or dingo attack, it will turn around and present only that thicker hide to the aggressor, a hide that is difficult for a dingo's teeth to penetrate.

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Camouflage. So they can hide from other animals.

Can Wombats camouflage?

yes a wombat can be camoflaged because of their brownish color they match with their background that makes it easier for the wombat to hide. and thats why because of their camoflage on the road they get killed

Any other relatives to a koala other than a wombat?

the answer is no it is only related to a wombat only

What animal is friends with a wombat?

Wombats are solitary animals. They do not have "friends".

What animals can you find in Cyprus that you can't find anywhere else?

a wombat

How much does a wombat cost?

Wombats are protected native animals of Australia. They are not readily available for the common public to purchase.

What other animals can you think of that use camouflage for protection or hide from prey?