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Q: Does a baby cockatiel sleep a lot?
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Should you buy a 5 year lutino cockatiel or a baby cockatiel?

I would recommend you buy a baby cockatiel. That way it would be more likely to bond with you.

What are cockatiel's babies name?

A baby cockatiel is named the same as almost all baby birds it is named a chick. hope this helped you!!!!

What is the weight of a baby cockatoo?

The average weight of a cockatiel is 93 grams.

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All babies, including humans, sleep a lot and usually awaken only when they are hungry.

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Baby red-eared sliders sleep as much as possible when they are young. In nature, they prefer to sleep on rocks or floating in shallow water.

Name something your husband and a newborn baby have in common?

Bald Whine a lot Sleep a lot Make a mess

Is it ok to never breed a cockatiel?

Yes this is fine. Cockatiel's are quite happy being pets as long as they receive a lot of attention. However, a companion is usually much appreciated by your cockatiel whether he or she mates or not.

How long do baby cockatiel eggs take to hatch?

Around 18-21 days

Is it normal for a baby hermann's tortoise that is 2 years old to sleep a lot?

Yes - most reptiles spend a lot of time 'sleeping'.

Are African grey parrots nocturnal or diurnal?

No, most cockatiels are not nocturnal. Sometimes, however, if you play with your cockatiel more at night, let's say if you work during the day, and you play with your cockatiel at night, your cockatiel may develop sleeping habits to sleep during the day, rather than night, to stay with you, so you and him can play. However, most cockatiels have the same sleeping patterns you do. But-most tiels sleep every bit you can, while you are away, or if they are on your shoulder. They sleep more in their lifetime than they are awake, so your cockatiel will take naps a LOT during the daytime, also.

How can you tell how old is my conure?

Cockatiel's are very difficult to age. You can only be accurate about their age if you've had the bird from a baby. The only way a cockatiel can be aged is as a juvenile, adult or senior.

Why does your baby guinea pig sleeps a lot?

Think about it. Why do baby people sleep.