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Q: Does a baby having a full head of hair at birth mean that it was a late delivery?
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What does it mean when people say you'll have your baby at the light of the moon?

The saying, "you will have your baby by the light of the full moon" was a phrase coined after doctors and nurses in labor/ delivery rooms reported more child births on full moon days than on days not having the full moon.

What stage of labor involves the delivery of the infant?

You are referring to the second stage of labor. The first stage is the onset of contractions that increase in strength, length and duration along with the effacement (thinning) and dilation (opening) of the cervix. Once full dilation has occurred, the second stage of labor begins. This is the descent and delivery of the baby. After the birth of the baby, the third stage of labor commences. This is from the baby's birth until complete expulsion of the placenta (afterbirth) and the membranes (the sac in which the baby grows).

What happens in the 3rd trimester?

The baby will grow to its full term, it will go in lightening, effacement and then prepare for delivery.

What is the medical term meaning full-term normal delivery?

A normal head first delivery is known as a Spontaneous Vertex Delivery (SVD). The vertex is the medical name for the part of the baby's head that is delivered first (the baby is lying with the chin on the chest (head tucked in))

Can you get pregnant if you have anemia?

Anaemia need not necessarily stop a woman from becoming pregnant, but the chances of the pregnancy reaching full term is remote. The possibility of abortion, still birth, premature delivery or low-birth-weight baby is more when the mother is anaemic.

What are two different forms of childbirth?

When a baby is ready to be born, the mother can "have the baby" in different ways. Giving birth is also called "delivery" of a baby. Some of the different kinds of delivery are:Spontaneous Vaginal ("Normal")-- this is the most natural method and is the process of the baby being pushed by the muscles of the mother, including the powerful muscles in her uterus, through the birth canal and out of her vagina between her legs. The mother can either be lying down, squatting, standing or sitting in a special tub for a water delivery.Assisted breech -- a baby usually is delivered (comes out) head first, but sometimes they are turned the other way (breech position) which is much harder on the mother to deliver and harder on the baby with a longer labor. So the doctor or midwife can assist by manually turning the baby in the womb, if possible. They can do this by pushing on it from the outside to turn it around before the start of the delivery and continue as the delivery is underway.Forceps or instrument delivery -- when there is a slowing of the delivery progress or other need, the doctor has special "tongs"(forceps) among the surgical tools that can be used to grasp the baby and help gently pull it out of the birth canal through the vaginal opening.Ventouse -- this is the name of a special tool that is sometimes needed to gently pull the baby through the birth canal using the suction of a vacuum device. Similar to instrument delivery, this is a method the doctor can use to help the mother move the baby into position and down the birth canal.Caesarian section (surgical) -- Also called C-section, this operation is used as a last resort if the delivery is not moving along as it should, or if there is a need to speed up the delivery due to distress in the mother or the baby. An incision is made by the obstetrician in the mother's abdomen and the baby is delivered through that opening instead of down the birth canal.If you are just now learning about reproduction and haven't talked to your parents about this subject yet, ask them to talk to you about it. You can help them by asking since sometimes they are shy about talking about it "out of the blue". It is very important that you get the proper education on these subjects for your own clarity and safety. If you are not able to talk to your parents about it, ask another trusted adult, for example: a health teacher, nurse, or counselor at school or other trusted mature relative, pastor, or doctor. Other kids often don't have the correct information, so don't rely on what they tell you to be accurate.cause i say soPush and breathe push and breathe then give one big last push. If you're having C-SECTION ( Caesarian) then the baby will be surgically removed.First become pregnant (this involves having sex). When the pregnancy reaches full term, in approximately 9 months, you will give birth. It becomes pretty much unavoidable. Doctors can help make the delivery proceed more easily, but even if they don't, it will still will include sexuality with your husband all night you will have to be naked to have sex.

How long was rachel green's labor in friends?

It was 21 hours before they go into the delivery room, the full birth is 47 hours long.

What comes out of a womans breast 3 days after giving birth?

colostrum milk which is full of nutrient for the baby

Can men baby's?

I think I understand the question! Males are physically unable to become pregnant, carry a baby to full term, or even to give birth.

Define what a child is?

A child is a person between birth and full growth. It is a son or daughter. It is a baby or infant. It is a human fetus.

You are 35 weeks and having contractions will your baby be ok?

If you aren't yet 37 weeks (full term) and having labor symptoms, you need to contact your Doctor!

Full form of pod?

paid on delivery