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Q: Does a base tastes sour corrodes metals does not react with carbonates or turns litmus red?
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What properties distinguish acids?

Properties of acids- tastes sour- reacts with metals and carbonates (corrosive)- turn blue litmus paper red- A pH lower than 7- In a solution it produces hydrogen ions

An acid is a substance that tastes sour reacts with metals and carbonates and what?

Also an inorganic acid contain the ion H+ and an organic acid the ion (COOH).

Which of the following are properties of acid?

Reacts with oil and grease Tastes sour

What are three characteristic of a base?

1. It tastes bitter.2. Feels slippery.3. Turns red litmus paper blue.a base is a substance that tastes bitter, feels slippery, and turns red litmus paper blue.

What three properties are of a base?

1. It tastes bitter.2. Feels slippery.3. Turns red litmus paper blue.a base is a substance that tastes bitter, feels slippery, and turns red litmus paper blue.

What way can we determine whether an unknown solution is an acid or base?

One way to determine if an unknown solution is an acid or a base is to test its pH using a pH indicator paper or a pH meter. Acids have a pH below 7, while bases have a pH above 7. Another method is to perform a chemical reaction with a known acid or base and observe any characteristic color changes or gas evolution.

What are 4 properties of bases?

Bases have a pH greater than 7. Bases taste bitter. Bases feel slippery to the touch. Bases react with acids to form salts and water.

What is a compound tastes sour and reacts with some metals?


What is the properties of an acid?

Acids burn and irritate the skin.They change;Litmus from blue to redPhenolphthalein from pink to colourlessMethyl orange and methyl red from yellow to redThey react with;Metals to give hydrogen gasCarbonates to give CO2Alkali to give a salt and waterMetal oxides to give a salt and waterAll have hydrogen in their formulas and they do need water or moisture to behave as an acid.

Orange juice is a beverage that tastes sour and turns litmus paper red What type of substance is it?

Orange juice is acidic because it tastes sour and turns litmus paper red. The acidity is due to the presence of citric acid in the juice, which imparts the sour taste and causes the litmus paper to change color.

What kind of substance tastes sour turns litmus paper red and has a pH of 5?

The substance is likely an acid, as acids taste sour, turn litmus paper red, and have a pH below 7. Examples of acids with a pH of 5 include vinegar (acetic acid) and citrus fruits (citric acid).

Describe the basic properties of a acid?

Cesium is a metal and it reacts with acids to produce a salt and gaseous hydrogen.