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Yes they are very easy to take care of and they are no trouble. The only problem you might have is they get quite big so you will need to get different tanks every time it grows :/ Also they eat live food aswell as proper food in a package so if you don't like creepy crawlies that's a no no. THANKS >>**EDIT** They need the protein that is in the live food the packaged stuff is ok in small portions but it shouldn't be feed as a staple. Also the minimum size of tank for a fullgrown beardie is 40 gallons. so if u get one of those you wont hav to get a bigger tank. =]
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11y ago

yes,beardies are better than iguanas because iguanas grow to big and they need a walk in a room.beardies they don't grow to big they are very easy to have as a pet.

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Q: Does a bearded dragon make a good pet?
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A really unuasal pet is a Bearded Dragon.

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actually a thorny devil can make a great pet there actually just like bearded dragon

Where can your get a beared dragon?

Normally you can go to your nearest pet store and get a bearded dragon!

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The 2009 pet of them month is the bearded dragon.

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Bearded dragon if you do not want a dog

Im getting bearded dragon soon and you were wondering if it would be a good pet and will it bite?

I've never been bitten by my dragon and they are great pets.

How large do bearded dragons get as a pet?

i don't really think you want a dragon as a pet

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Water monitors are not the best pet because the are very aggressive and they price very high so don't get one bearded dragons make better Pets for anyone 1. They are easy to care for 2. They are friendly 3. They are not aggressive. So try a bearded dragon for a reptile Pet

Can bearded dragons eat wax moths?

They will eat them, but it's not a good idea to feed your bearded dragon anything you catch from outside. This is due to pesticides and parasites that may be present in the body of the insect you caught that will make your bearded dragon ill.Crickets from the pet store are the best insect to feed your bearded dragon. It may seem expensive to feed crickets, but it's still a lot cheaper than a vet bill.

What is the main cause of bearded dragon death?

Did it also have the correct heating for the bearded dragon, like a heat lamp and heating pad? If it didn't, then your bearded dragon probably froze to death. Where did you get the bearded dragon from? If it was from a pet store, that will explain it too. Pet stores don't take care of their animals well usually so they are usually sold sick and or very unhealthy

What are the food sources for a bearded dragon?

grapes,crickets,mealwormsif they area pet

What is David Beckhams pet?

2 bulldogs 2 rottwilers and a bearded dragon