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Cooked fish is just fine in small amounts as a treat, or feeding a sick cat white fish is just fine. Cooked fish should never, however, be the main diet of a cat as it provides it with none of the nutrition a cat requires. Cats are meat eaters, not fish eaters.

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13y ago
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11y ago

For the same reason some people don't like it, I suppose. My house cat won't eat any canned cat food. The stray that hangs out absolutely loves the stuff though. Cats are picky animals just like people. If they eat enough of one type of food long enough, then that is all they really fancy. Try to give a kid something besides mac and cheese or peanut butter & jelly and you'll likely get the same reaction as giving a house cat something he doesn't prefer.

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9y ago

Your cat might get hyper after eating tuna because he likes it so much. Cats love seafood and it makes them happy once they eat it.

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14y ago

Maybe he or she doesn't like that particular wet food

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12y ago

Depends on the cat.

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Q: Does a cat like tuna or wet food better?
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Is it healthy for a cat to only eat can tuna cat food?

Cats can eat tuna, but should only ever eat very small amounts occasionally. Tuna alone does not have all the nutrients cats need, and human-grade tuna can be high in phosphorous and other metals that could harm a cat if fed regularly. Tuna and other fish should only ever be fed as a treat and not part of their daily diet.

Why has MARS discontinued Sheba Dome Tuna Filet with Egg cat food?

The entire SHEBA is being discontinued.

Do cats have preferences to which brand of food they eat eg choosing sheba over whiskas?

I have quite a few cats! Cats have personal preferences just like people. I have one cat that doesn't like canned food at all. She doesn't like tuna fish, chicken or anything else. She just wants dry cat food. I have another cat that will eat just about anything I put in front of him. Canned food, dry food, green beans, spinach, even my coffee! Some of them don't like salmon while other ones love it. It just depends on the cat!

Could you give a cat lemon juice on tuna?

Cats like tuna and it is nutritious. But there are valid reasons why cats should only be fed canned tuna in moderation.1) Pure tuna does not contain all of the nutrients that cats need, and they could develop deficiencies if a varied diet is not provided. If you are providing all of your cat's food, it is less likely to seek out foods that provide a balanced diet.2) Cats fed a rich diet of fish can lose their taste for other foods.3) Some cats can develop a condition called steatitisfrom fatty foods. Tuna, especially packed in oil, may deplete a cat's vitamin E.4) Tuna has slightly elevated levels of mercury, which can accumulate over time.

Do cats like Italian food?

I would say Italian food would not be good for a cat unless it is Italian Cat Food, not human food.

Related questions

If you have no cat food what is a good subsituet?

Tuna fish, IF you're planning to buy cat food that day or the next. Cats like it but it's kinda bad for them as human grade canned tuna has a high level of phosphorous, which can be dangerous to a cat if fed long-term.

What canned cat food has no chicken in it Seems like chicken is in everything - even in tuna and shrimp and salmon cans and other fish canned cat food?


If your cat is allergic to chicken can you feed her any chicken free food?

yes, like tuna or salmon

Why your cat reject a can of tuna food?

It isn't yet hungry enough.

What is cat likes?

what does cat like ( to eat)? well i asked the vet he told me you should give them first their orignal food then you he said that you should change the food somtimes not leave it the same you can give the cat small pieces of chicken (but not with spices) or tuna. cats really love eating tuna ( most of cats ) i did what the vet said to my cat the cat was 100% happy and healthy.

If you dont own cat food what do you feed cats?

cat treats,meat,tuna,and if u/the cat don't like those then put something up to your cats face and see if he/she will eat it.

Should you give cat's tuna?

No, you should always give your cat only it's a designated food.

What do cats eat that is not chicken or milk tuna or cat food?

could be beef or pork

Can you give me a good cat recipe?

Tuna mixed with friskies cat food and a bowl of milk on the side is a cats day in heaven

What do you give kittens if cat food is unavaible?

some cook chicken or turkey or tinned tuna.

Do cats prefer beef chicken or tuna?

It depends on the kind of cat. But I have a cat and it loves tuna.

Is it healthy for a cat to only eat can tuna cat food?

Cats can eat tuna, but should only ever eat very small amounts occasionally. Tuna alone does not have all the nutrients cats need, and human-grade tuna can be high in phosphorous and other metals that could harm a cat if fed regularly. Tuna and other fish should only ever be fed as a treat and not part of their daily diet.