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Yes, it is in plant cells, and it stores mostly water and other nutrients in case a drought or another weather-related disaster occurs that results in lack of water.

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10y ago

No, the cell wall protects the cell but does not store food and water.

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Q: Does a cell wall store food and water in a cell?
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What can you conclude about plant and animals cell organelles?

They are both cells that have incredible organelles that benefit them, like how the cell wall provides a barrier for the plants, and vacuoles serve to store water and food in both plant and animal cells.

What structure around the outside of the plant cell keeps them from rupturing from too much water?

Cell Wall

What does cell wall do in the cell?

The cell wall prevents the cell from exploding! The pressure from the water, within the plant cell is so great that without the wall, it would simply explode.

What type of cell has a nucleus and a large vacuole?

A plant cell has a larger vacuole than animal cell. The plant cell needs to store more water for photosyheteis and to keep the rigidy of the cell wall. That's why plants wilt when they don't get enough water.

Which organelle gives the plant cell its shape?

The cytoskeleton gives mechanical support to the cell and maintain its shape.

What does the cell wall prevent lysis of?

The cell wall prevents the cell from bursting because of a hypotonic environment, meaning that there is a high concentration of water moving into the cell that may have a lower concentration of water, by diffusion. When this happens, the cell may burst resulting in the destruction of the cell. the cell wall has interwoven fibers, preventing lysis.

What is a vacuoles job in a cell?

A.A vacuole is a membrane-bound sac that plays roles in digestion and the release of cellular waste products. The job of vacuole in a cell are to store water, food, and enzymes, and it collects waste.

What is every plant and animal cell surrounded by?

Every plant and animal cell is surrounded by a cell membrane. Plant cells have both a cell membrane and a cell wall because they can create there own food through photosynthesis. Animal cells have to absorb food, so they cant have a cell wall.

What is the cell wall responible for in the cell wall?

Making sure the cell doesn't burst by absorbing too much water.

Why do plant cells have cell walls and a vacuole?

A cell wall provides structure and support in the plant cell. A vacuole contains "cell sap," a mixture of water and glucose sugar, for use as a food source.

Describe the microscopic and functional organization of a cell?

The nucleus of a cell is the power source or brain, every cell has one there are two types of cells- an animal cell and a plant cell: An animal cell has a cell membrane, a cytoplasm which is the covering of the cell, stored food, a mitachondria used for breathing and a small vacuole which contains water orother substances A plant cell has a cell wall which surrounds it and gives it shape and support, a cytoplasm, large vacuole, choroplasts which make and store food, a mitachondria

What do you understand by roughage in the animal food?

an indigestible cell wall of plant cell that animals take in as food.