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Q: Does a change in the concentration of reactants result a change in temperature?
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Nitrogen can form a variety of compounds with oxygen, in which nitrogen has different valences, because reactions do not always go to completion, and oxidation does not always go to a state of maximum oxidation; the concentration of the reactants, the temperature at which the reaction takes place, and other variables affect the result.

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How are kinetics and reaction rate are related?

Increasing the concentration of the reactants will increase the frequency of collisions between the two reactants. So this is collision theory again. You also need to discuss kinetic theory in an experiment where you vary the concentration. Although you keep the temperature constant, kinetic theory is relevant. This is because the molecules in the reaction mixture have a range of energy levels. When collisions occur, they do not always result in a reaction. If the two colliding molecules have sufficient energy they will react.

What factors affect the rate of a chemical reaction?

Temperature of system (molecular vibrational speed), Pressure of system (proximity), Catalysts (lowers activation energy of reaction), Volume of vessel (related to pressure), and Concentration of reagents (more collisions).

If i have the initial and after temperature how would i be able to find the change in temperature?

You subtract the initial from the after, and the result is the change. If the initial temperature is 50º and the after is 70º, then the change is +20º.

What are the reactants in this?

Reactants in an equation are the elements that are mixed together. The products are the end result of the reactants that are mixed together.

When do the physical and chemical properties change?

Physical and chemical properties change as the result of a chemical change, which produces new products with different physical and chemical properties than the reactants.

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A supersaturated solution has a concentration of solute greater than the solubility at a specific temperature.

What is thermo shock?

Thermal shock is a result of parts of an object that incurs damage from a sudden temperature change. People can also have thermal shock in their bodies as a result of sudden temperature change.

How do reactants and products compare in a chemical reaction?

Reactants are what the products are made out of. The products are the end result.

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