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This depends - what branch of Christianity do you follow? Also, what exactly was the sin? Did you know it was sinful when you did it, or not?

Based upon those three answers, you can get a variety of answers. One is definitely going to hell for all of eternity - Catholics believe suicide is a major sin, and since you can't confess afterwards you die with unconfessed sin and therefore go to hell. Another is it depends - some denominations believe that once you are born again, unless you actively reject the glory of Christ, minor sins are automatically forgiven. A third option is going to heaven - some liberal churches believe homosexuality is not a sin (although others disagree vehemently and violently) and therefore being homosexual does not consign you to hell regardless of what else is going on.

Of course, the views from those who are not Christian generally fall somewhere upon the spectrum between "you were going to hell regardless of the sin because you do not practice the correct religion" or "you weren't going to hell because it doesn't even exist".


AnswerThe Church teaches that anyone who dies in a state of mortal sin irrevocably cuts himself off from God and thus exists in a state called "hell". Mortal sin is any serious sin which you know God does not want and you choose to do it anyway. Heaven is the state of living with God, and we are all living in one or another of those two states already on this earth, all death does is remove the possibility of change, confession and repentance.
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Q: Does a christian who sin go to heaven or hell?
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