

Does a comma come after yet?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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Only when it is the last word in a clause. Otherwise no. For example: I have worked hard and yet my homework is still unfinished.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: Does a comma come after yet?
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Does the comma come before yet?

Not necessarily. The comma indicates a pause or "change of direction" in the thought. The comma goes before yet when it means "although," and starts a new clause. For example: "I haven't yet seen her" and "I knew her, yet I did not recognize her."

Do you need a comma before yet?

Yes, a comma is needed before "yet" when it is used to connect two independent clauses in a sentence.

Should I use a comma before the word who?

It really depends on what the rest of the sentence is. For example, it is correct to say, "I don't know who will be there." In that case, there is no comma before "who". It is also correct to say, "My new neighbors, who have not spoken to me yet, keep letting their dog come into my yard and dig holes." That example does contain a comma before "who".

Should the comma come before or after the parenthesis?

If a comma is needed, it normally comes after parenthesis.

When you use an asterisk to denote a footnote does a comma go before or after it?

The comma would come after it.

Does a comma come after such as?

Yes, a comma typically comes after "such as" when it is used to introduce examples in a sentence.

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Does a period or comma come before the footnote?

A period should come before the footnote at the end of a sentence, while a comma should not.

The coordinating conjunctions that can be used to combine two complete sentences with a comma are β€œfor, and, nor, because, yet, so”?

The coordinating conjunctions that can be used to combine two complete sentences with a comma are "for, and, nor, because, yet, so."

What is splice?

A sentence splice (alternately, comma splice) is when 2 independent clauses are joined by a comma. This is not grammatically correct. To fix a sentence splice, you can either change the comma to a semicolon, or you can add a coordinating conjunction after the comma (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

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Return to sender does not require quotation marks or a comma.