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Q: Does a cow get its energy by eating grass?
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What type of energy conversion take place in order to have energy stored in grass for cows to eat?

From the feed, forage or roughage they eat.

What is a primary consumer gaining energy?

A squirrel eating a nut is an example of a primary consumer gaining energy. A caterpillar eating a plant

What is an example of a food chain with a human?

the sun gives the grass energy then a cow comes and eats it then the cow gets the energy from the grass cause the grass got it from the sun then we make the cow into a double cheese burger then we take the energy that the cow and grass had before it and p.s the sun will never waste out of energy

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cow eating grass

Is a cow eating grass related to biosphere?


What do you call cattle that sit on the grass?

Cattle that are laying (or sitting) in the grass, or cattle laying down in the pasture.

What do cows get from eating grass?


Cow eating grass is it a example of photosynthesis or cellular respiration?

the cow breathes out the carbon on the plant and the plant then puts out oxygen in the cow and the cow then eats the plant

How do sea grass get energy?

by eating your mom

Why a cow eating the grass would not gain all the energy that the leaves had absorbed from the sun?

Because in the food chain, autotrophs obtain the most amout of energy because they get it directly from the sun. As the food chain decreses, the energy lesses.

Summary for the Water is Wide by Pat Conroy?

its about a cow eating grass. Great novel!

Is a example of a secondary consumer a cow eating grass?

No- a cow is a primary consumer. Primary consumers are herbivores that convert plant biomass.