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The nile crocodile kills far more people in one year than lions do in ten years! Large crocodiles will also eat lions given the chance.

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Q: Does a crocodile or a lion kill more people?
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Is crocodile more powerful than lion?

This depends on the size and type of crocodile. A lion might be more powerful than a black caiman, but a saltwater crocodile is much more powerful than a lion.

Who can kill a large salt water crocodile?

a bunch of animals can kill a croc a komodo dragon a lion a tiger a gorrilla a elephant and a bunch more

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hippos are very dangerous even crocodiles and alligators are afraid of them because if a crocodile/alligator harms a baby hippo it begins to cry and it's mother hears it so it's mother comes and sits on the crocodile/alligator :D also some hippos are more aggressive then lions

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It is possible, but the lion is more likely to win since the lion is too big and strong for the wildebeest to kill.

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No a lion is more bigger than a monkey

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No a lion is more bigger than a monkey

How many people does a saltwater crocodile kill every year?

Usually around 1-3 major deaths per year. But Nile crocs can kill considerably more

Can a rogue crocodile be as dangerous as an ancaconda?

More dangerous.Crocs kill many people each year, while anaconda attacks are very rare.

Is it possible to kill a lion without any weapons?

Without weapons, it might be possible to kill a lion, but that might be hard to do. So it's possible to kill a lion without any weapons, but it's more likely for the lion to kill you when you don't have any weaons.

Do African lions kill more people than African Crocodiles?

Yes because in the Africa people like to feed them and wen there fed the exspect it from every human. Its like teyere spoiled. So when a person doesnt give it food it becomes aggressive ant it attacks for food. hope it helped

Can a jaguar kill a lion?

The jaguar can have a chance to kill a lion with a bite on the body. In a fair fight the lion would probably come out the winner more often than not.

Lion vs Nile crocodile who is the winner?

Well salwater crocodiles grow up to be around 22 feet+ while the nile grows up to be around 20 feet maybe smaller. Saltwaters and Nile crocodiles are equaly agressive they can both kill very large animals. However the size and strength of a Saltwater will make it a victor over the Nile crocodile. And the fact that Saltwater crocodile kills more people in middle eastern then Nile crocodile kills more people near the Nile river(worlds longest river).