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Yes, but only their puppy teeth, just like a human child looses their teeth. An adult dog shouldn't be loosing any of their teeth.

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12y ago

Yes. Puppy's are just like kids. Their teeth fall out and so do a puppys teeth.

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Q: Does a dog bottom teeth fall out?
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How many bottom teeth does a dog have?

As a general rule dogs have 22 teeth on the bottom, and 20 on the top.

What is a scissors bite in a dog?

A scissors bite in a dog is when the top teeth meet just over the top of the bottom teeth.

What do you give your dogs when there teeth fall out?

Take it to the vet! A dog's teeth falling out can't be good!

Is it ok if your top teeth bite down on your bottom braces?

Well, I know from experience. I clench and grinde my teeth and my back brackets on my molars always fall off. Does that answer your question? the braces on my bottom teeth get in the way when my top teeth bite down on them like when i eat the top teeth touches the bottom braces

Why does your dog have more teeth than his brother?

When a dog is born, they start out with 28 teeth. At 6 months of age they fall out and are replaced with 42 adult teeh. The reason why the dog may have fewer teeth than his brother, is that some of them may have fallen out.

Which teeth are the ''wisdom teeth''?

Your wisdom teeth are the teeth in the waaayy back of your mouth, top & bottom. Some people lose them, some people don't. They usually don't fall out, though.

When do dogs baby teeth fall out?

my dog lost her first baby tooth when she was 4 months

Will premolar teeth fall out?

No, they do not fall out like the original baby teeth. As the jaw grows, these molars and another set (Wisdom teeth) grow in. They are usually the first teeth to get cavities since they have deep ridges.

How many teeth does an adult miniature schnauzer have?

I think its different, my puppy has 5 teeth between his two sharp ones on the bottom, while the mother dog has 6 and the father dog has 4.

Do dogs teeth fall out?

when they are puppies, they do fall out because they are getting their adult teeth. when they get really really old they start losing their teeth. one of my friend's dog, a chihuahua he's about 10 years old (human years) right now and he has no teeth so they give him wet dog food, or put water in his kibbles and bits and microwaves it so its squishy.

What rodent has big bottom teeth?

No rodent has teeth in its bottom.

Where do dogs teeth go when they come out?

Most of the time the deciduous teeth (baby teeth) fall out when a dog is eating, so the teeth are swallowed. There are no ill effects to this. Occasionally you will find a shed tooth laying near the food dish or around a chew toy.