

Best Answer

Any kind of hamster is good. I personally like teddy bear hamsters the best. Or you could look at some guinea pigs. They make GREAT pets for kids!

But remember that ANY pet is a living thing and must be cared for! Of the two, hamsters are much easier for a child to take care of. They tend to be solitary animals and need simple cleaning and exercise. Feeding is easy; they can eat most commercially-available hamster feed. They like to use exercise balls to run around the floor which is good for them and amusing for their owner.

Guinea pigs are far more complicated to take care of. As a long-time "piggie" owner I would not recommend them for a child under the age of 12.

Guinea pigs prefer to live in groups so you need to have two of them. Their cage has to be large enough for them to get exercise - usually about 1.5 to 2 square meters. Also they have specific dietary needs: lots of fresh water and a special kind of hay called timothy have to be available at all times or they can develop problems with their digestion or kidneys. Some commercial feeds still contain alfalfa although it's now known to cause gut problems. They also need to regularly have fresh vegetables like carrots, squash, etc. in limited amounts. Another factor arguing for an older child is that piggies require regular cleaning, usually two or three times a day. They tend to go to the bathroom wherever they are rather than using a specific place, and can develop foot sores if their flooring isn't kept clean and dry.

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Q: Does a dwarf hamster make a good pet for a 7 year old child?
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How do you connect two hamster cages?

You can put two Dwarf Hamsters together but if you put a male and a female together they most likely have babies. You can put a male Dwarf Hamster and a male Dwarf Hamster together and you can put a female Dwarf Hamster with a femaleDwarf Hamster. Just make sure the two hamsters don't fight.

What is the diffierent between a sapphire and winter white hamster?

There is no difference. Pet shops give them fancy names to make them sound special/exclusive, it makes people pay more. There are 3 kinds of dwarf hamster. Roborovski dwarf Winter white Russian Campbell There is also a Chinese Dwarf Hamster but they are not a true dwarf hamster (genetically speaking) I'd advise you to go to a hamster breeder, they know more what they are doing, or even better, a rescue. Good luck.

How do you make the lunar space module hamster cage more dwarf hamster friendly?

You put bedding at the bottom.(Preferably shredded paper or wood shavings.)But NOT bedding with any fiber materials in it .The fiber material can give it a respitory problem and they could die .Put a small water dish in it .(for cleaning themselves) A few toys to play with like cardboard from a toilet paper roll .A wheel .And a food dish with veggies and seeds .NEVER feed your hamster cheese .It will get diaria and die.And put in a water bottle thing. Make sure that you dwarf hamster cannot slip through the bars of your cage.Dont buy a plastic cage.It needs bars.Thats it! Thanks and good luck with your hamster

How many days for a hamster to give birth?

Teddy bears teddy teddy teddy bear yay yay make a bear today at teddy bear make a hamster with a bear with teddy bear hamster!

Can you give dwarf robo hamster baths?

Yes you can give most hamsters baths, but there are a few very important rules. . Make sure the water is not to warm and not to cold. . don't fill up the sink (or what ever thing your giving your hamster a bath in) to high. . If your hamster can not swim (usually hamsters will swim) then take them out of the bath imidietly because it might drown.

Related questions

How do you make dwarf hamsters?

By breeding them. Dwarf hamsters are a breed of hamster.

Which one is better Syrian hamster or dwarf hamster?

the difference between a dwrf hamster and a regular hamster is the dwarf hamster will stay the same size wbut the regular hamster will keep gtrowing---- Well normally a dwarf is a lot smaller and a lot less sturdier. A dwarf is good for a fourteen year old and a reg. one is good for a nine year old. They both make awesome pets! You can be happy with either one.

How do you connect two hamster cages?

You can put two Dwarf Hamsters together but if you put a male and a female together they most likely have babies. You can put a male Dwarf Hamster and a male Dwarf Hamster together and you can put a female Dwarf Hamster with a femaleDwarf Hamster. Just make sure the two hamsters don't fight.

What can a dwarf hamster sleep on?

They will make a nest out of the bedding you put in the cage.

Why is your regular hamster beating up your dwarf hamster?

Dwarf hamsters and regular hamsters often fight, if they're both males that will make it worse. But I dont know how to stop it.

Does a hamster feel alone when theres lonley one hamster in the cage?

It Depends On The Hamster Type. If Its A Dwarf Hamster, Its Better If Its Has Another Dwarf Hamster To Play With (make sure they are the same sex or you'll have little hamster babies ;P) If Its A Syrian Hamster It Doesn't Like Company, It Will Fight With The Other Hamster.Hope This Helps xD

Are the larger ferplast duna fun cages with the small section of wire around the middle good for dwarf hamsters?

yes but you have to make sure that the bars are tight together so the dwarf hamster cant got out

If your brother's dwarf hamster dies what are some ideas to make him feel better?

Here are some ideas:Get him another dwarf hamsterOccupy his time with something that he really likes, that will take his mind off his hamster that diedGet him a new pet (it's OK if it's not a dwarf hamster, you'd probably want to get a pet that's lifespan is longer than a hamster)

Can a golden hamster be with a female albino hamster and make babies?

'Golden' hamster is an alternate name for a Syrian Hamster. Assuming the albino female is too a Syrian Hamster, then yes, they can mate. If it's some variety of dwarf hamster, then no.

How do you tame a white winter dwarf hamster?

Just play with it, make it get used to your touch and scent.

What is the diffierent between a sapphire and winter white hamster?

There is no difference. Pet shops give them fancy names to make them sound special/exclusive, it makes people pay more. There are 3 kinds of dwarf hamster. Roborovski dwarf Winter white Russian Campbell There is also a Chinese Dwarf Hamster but they are not a true dwarf hamster (genetically speaking) I'd advise you to go to a hamster breeder, they know more what they are doing, or even better, a rescue. Good luck.

How do you train a dwarf hamster?

I think you train him/her by using a treat that she or he likes and make it do what you want it to do and if it does, give it the treat. Then it'll realize that it had done a good thing and keep doing what you tell it to do. I hope it helped.......... ::::::) ::::::::::) ㅡ.ㅡ