

Does a ferret change directions while running?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Yes, the long vertebrae in a ferret has a great deal of flexibility which allows them to easily change directions while running.,

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How do you play with your ferret?

That's a good question! Well... 1] when your first take the ferret out of the cage, he/she may still be sleeping. Wake your ferret up and then wait a few minutes for your ferret to get energy.. {your ferret may need to go to the bathroom when he/she first wakes up so wait 5 minutes total before taking your ferret out.} 2] Once your ferret has gone to the bathroom and woken up some, take your ferret into a room [big enough so they can run around for a while] but not so big that they can get into trouble. Make sure that this room is ferret-proofed, meaning that there is no way they can hurt themselves [like getting stuck behind something ect..] 3] Your ferret will mostly Entertain himself, sniffing everything, and running around, but 2 ferrets will keep each other happier than just one. 4] Let your ferret play for 3 hours a day in that one room. If you have other bigger rooms that are ferret-proofed as well, you can let them play in those too. 5] Toys are great for ferrets, especially flexible black tubes! This will entertain them for hours! 6] Do NOT leave your ferret in a cage and forget about it. You MUST be prepared to let it out for a couple of hours morning and evening and interact with it, otherwise don’t get one. Hope I answered your question! HAVE FUN! FERRETS ARE AWESOME!