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Ferrets should be given raw meat. Meats such as lamb, beef, rabbit, chicken etc. They can also be given raw chicken or duck eggs which are a great source of protein,

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Q: Does a ferret eat cooked or non cooked meat?
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What is the difference between cooked and non-cooked meat?

Non-cooked meat is usually pink in the middle. If you eat non- cooked meat you get very sick and you could possibly die!

What does a mule deer not eat?

meat and substance that is non cooked

Can a ferret eat carrots?

No. Ferrets are obligate carnivores. This means they cannot digest any non meat based foods. Feeding them foods such as fruit, vegetables, grains or dairy can lead to illness in the ferret or in severe cases to intestinal blockage which may require surgical treatment.

Brahmins eat non vegetable fish meat?

yes offcourse brahmins eat meat fish non veh chicken

Do hamsters eat non cooked oatmeal?

yes (^^^)

Why is chicken called non vegetable?

Chicken is meat. Non-vegetarians eat chicken because of the white meat.

Are Muslims allowed to touch non halal meat?

The rule per Islam religion is not to eat non halal meat.

What to eat if you want to lose weight?

Try this: only eat fresh, non-cooked veggies & fruits, no red meat so only white chicken, and no baked potato. I like to call this the no fast food diet, so don't eat any McDonald's!

What brand of raw precooked meat is there?

Non because it can not be raw it it is pre cooked enless you mean deli meats

Who are non vegetarians?

People who eat meat would be considered "non-vegetarians".

How do you prove you are a non vegetarian?

you eat meat - or products that "have a heart beat"

What is non vegetarian?

Non-vegetarian means that an individual still chooses to eat meat, fish, and eggs.