

Does a giant panda shed fur?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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No. There are only two kids of pandas that shed fur that we know of.

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Q: Does a giant panda shed fur?
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Red panda and giant panda's fur color?

A red panda's fur is like a reddish-brown.=A giant panda's fur color is black and white.=

What is the giant panda's body covering?

A red panda is covered in hair (fur).

What is the giant panda's dangers?

the panda is giant pandas dangers of been endangered is habitat loss and being shot for their fur.

What is the difference between qinling panda and giant panda?

The difference is thatthe qinling panda is smaller then the giant panda its head is also more round and the fur is light and dark brown.

Why is the giant panda's fur so rare?

Because it is illegal to poach them

What color is a baby giant panda?

The pandas tail is black

What type of fur does a panda have?

Giant Panda fur is highly desirable by poachers, who illegally kill pandas. A 2006 news report stated that two panda's fur was found on the police raid of a black market exchange. They reported that 1 panda fur was worth about 10 million USD, making it the most expensive fur.

What type is a panda?

A giant panda is an animal with white and black fur on it. A red panda is like a raccoon a and it is red in color. They are mostly found in China.

Is the giant panda an amphibian?

No, not at all. The giant panda is a mammal. (mammalia) Mammals are warm blooded, but amphibians are cold blooded. Amphibians never have fur and amphibians are semi-aquatic.

What is a name for a female giant panda a male giant panda and a baby giant panda?

female giant panda=female giant panda male giant panda=male giant panda baby giant panda=baby giant panda x

How many panda species are there?

There are two species of Panda. The giant panda is most recognized with the black and white fur. The red panda looks more like a raccoon than a bear.

What do a panda look like?

at birth, a giant panda could fit in your hand, is pink, hairless, and blind. as it gets older, it grows black and white fur. submitted by: panda lover