

Does a hamster have to mate to be able to have babies?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Yes. This is a fact.

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Q: Does a hamster have to mate to be able to have babies?
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Do you have to have a boy hamster and a girl hamster to be able to mate?

to get the female hamster pregnant you have to have a male

Will a male hamster mate with their mother?

Yes they will if they mate together there babies will be deformed so don't even try

Can a hamster mate after it had babies?

yes i had a hamster that had three litters so go ahead but i dont know if it would affect their life

Can a golden hamster be with a female albino hamster and make babies?

'Golden' hamster is an alternate name for a Syrian Hamster. Assuming the albino female is too a Syrian Hamster, then yes, they can mate. If it's some variety of dwarf hamster, then no.

Can gerbil siblings have babies?

No there is a big chance of illnes just get a nother gerbil who is not a sibiling of your hamster to mate them

When will you be able to see the hamster babies?

It takes about 15-21 days for a hamster to have pups, If it is a Chinese hamster it will most likely take 21 days:).

Can female hamsters have babies on there own?

No they can't, you spelled babies wrong No they can't, you spelled babies wrong

Is it ok for a brother and sister dwarf hamster to mate?

Yes it is. It's better for the relationship to be mother-son or father-daughter though, but your hamster babies should be perfectly normal.

Why is my male dwarf hamster pulling on my females babies when she is having them?

Males should not be with females during pregnancy or birth. It cant be with the babies until they are big. The male will eat the babies. You have to separate them after they mate

What does a male Hamster do when the female Hamster is pregnant?

well usually when you have a pregnant hamster housed with a male hamster, the female will fight him visously until death. However once her babies are born, the male will eat them! So after you mate them, separate the 2 immediatly.

Can a female hamster mate with a female hamster?


Will the female syren hamster fihgt with the male after its not with the babies?

yeah, cause hamsters doesn't like to live with another hamsters. sometimes the hamster may be too kind and will live with his hamster mate. What i prefer is to make live in separate cages.