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Q: Does a harpsichord's top set of keys have a higher sound than the bottom?
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Do harpsichords always have two rows?

Most professional harpsichordists/musicians use a double manual harpsichord (with 2 keyboards.) There are a lot of harpsichords with only one, (they are more affordable than a double manual.) And there are very very few harpsichords in the world that have 3 keyboards.

What are harpsichords made of?

Wood is commonly used. I have a friend who is a harpsichord builder and his keys are made out of cow bones.

Is Keyboard a String Instrument?

Pianos, and harpsichords are both stringed instruments. When a key is pressed on a piano, a hammer hits one of they many strings hidden in the body. In contrast, harpsichords are plucked when keys are pressed.

Do pianos and harpsichords have the same number of keys?

Yes! But the tone of each keys are different. Actually, it depends on what you mean. If you mean the number of black and what keys on the keyboard, no, they do not all have the same number. A "standard" piano has 88 keys, and that is the most common, but not all pianos have that number.

What makes the sound of a clarinet?

Sound is produced by blowing through the horn, causing an attached reed to vibrate. By convering or uncovering the holes/keys the pitch is changed from higher to lower.

How does a flute prouduse sound?

A flute produces sound by a flow of air blowing through the end of a tube and the keys that are open. The pitch of the sound comes from the length of air that is being allowed through the tube. If more keys are being held down, it will lower the sound. More air has to pass through more distance and therefore creates a deeper sound. If more keys are open it will produce a higher sound. Think of the trombone and piccolo. These instruments work the same way. Trombones have a deeper sound because of how long the air chambers are. Piccolos are higher because the air only has a short way to pass through.

Which keys have a higher pitch?

On normal pianos and keyboards, keys to the right have higher pitches.

Do the white keys on the piano sound better than the black keys?


How do you play E flat on the alto saxphone?

all of the top and bottom keys plus the key right under the bottom three keys

Do you need to press keys to obtain a sound?


How is the sound of a harp produced?

A harp player produces its unique sound by combining the plucking of lower notes with the longer strings and the higher notes with the shorter strings, much like the way a piano player does with the piano's keys. The core of the strings' sound come from their center.

How does the circle of 5ths relate to the order of sharps and flats?

The Circle of Keys is a diagram of all Major and minor keys signatures. The sharp keys are arranged from the top, moving clockwise. The flat keys are arranged from the top, moving counterclockwise. There are fifteen Major keys: seven sharp keys, seven flat keys, and one key with no sharps or flats. Likewise, there are fifteen relative minor keys. The keys at the bottom of the circle are called enharmonic keys because their tones sound the same but are named and written differently. The Circle of Keys is sometimes called the Circle of Fifths because the keys are arranged an interval of a fifth apart.