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Q: Does a high cea test always means that you have cancer?
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How does cancer affect a paternity test?

shouldn't, as there's multiple means of sampling.

What does a 5 result on prostate test means?

If this is related to prostate cancer, it evaluates the current stage of cancer in that particular person. Generally, prostate cancer has 4 stages, however, your "5" of prostate test might be related to Gleason score. For your information, Gleason score is a system to evaluate the changes in prostate cells and the spread of the tumor. As its range varies from 2 points to 10 points, the high points you get from prostate test; the more likely the tumor might be spread. So, a Gleason score of 5 means, the cancer is located only in the prostate, and the PSA level is lower than 10.

When one person have blood test a very high psa the possibility of prostate cancer is?

An elevated PSA reading does not necessarily mean that there is cancer present. It could be a benign condition causing the high PSA such as BPH.

What does a high eos on blood test means?

High Eos on a blood test means that you are allergic to something. The Eosinophils count helps determine if you have a parasitic infection, Hodgkin's disease, or are allergic to something.

What does it means if you get a 170 in a IQ test?

it means you are a genius and tour iq is very very high

Is there a test to tell if a dog has cancer?

Yes, there are many ways your vet can test for cancer.

Diagnosed with Cancer. What is a PEP Test?

what kind of test identifies cancer in the body Pep

A blood test showed a very high psa level?

very high level of psa(prostate specific antigen) in the blood is cause of prostate cancer.

Why does the AFP test need confirmation by other tests when liver cancer is suspected?

The AFP test cannot be used by itself to confirm a diagnosis of liver cancer, because cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis can also produce high alpha-fetoprotein levels.

When one person have high level blood test PSA where is the possibility of prostate cancer is?

The PSA level is an indicator that something may be wrong with the prostate gland. It does not mean that a person will get cancer.

What does high abs. segs mean in blood test?

High segs on a blood test is an elevated neutrophil count. It means that a bacterial infection is present in your body. High abs means you have an elevated white blood cell count and infection or leukemia is present.

Will cancer signs show in full blood test?

They can, but it depends on the exact blood test, and what stage the cancer is at.