

Does a huge penis fascinate most males and females?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Does a huge penis fascinate most males and females?
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Find out yourself you dirty little kid. Sexual Dimporhism in primates is when there is difference in size between the males and the females. For example with gorillas, the males are much larger than the females therefore gorillas are extremely sexually dimorphic. In chimpanzees, there is slight sexual dimorphism between males and females but not a huge difference.

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How huge does a penis have to be to be considered huge?

It depends on the particular species you are referring to.

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The pituitary gland. Both in females and males, regulates LH/FSH which in turn triggers ovulation and in the male, spermatogenesis. However in the female, there's a huge monthly peak whereas in the male, the peaks are daily, but at much lower levels.

Life expectancy of average Americans in 1789?

Males and females both had, and still do, have different life spans. For males of course, in the 1700's, they did most of the "dirty work" as I like to call it. They did the outside work and farming. Agricultural development was something males had to do specifically because of there stature and body structure. Females, however, did cleaning, laundry, etc. So with that they weren't prone to any diseases like males, simply because they were inside workers. Females tended to live more and better that males. The life expectancy of Males and females was shocking, yet expected. Females:62 years or so was the average for a HARD-WORKING female, am i right ladies? Males:35-41 was the average life span of a working male. As you can see the huge difference in male and female life spans was a lot. Us females were always the hard working ones. :) Thanks.

Am 17 my penis is huge it is 5inchs when soft is this normal?

for you it is

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