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There's never been a brain transplant, and isn't likely to be one anytime soon either - so no way to tell.

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11y ago

There has never been a brain transplant, so the world has yet to learn.

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Q: Does a human acquire amnesia during a brain transplant?
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How much does brain transplant cost?

At this moment, it is impossible to transplant a brain.

What is affected in the brain of people who have amnesia?

Typically, their hippocampus has been damaged to cause them amnesia.

What is Amnesia caused by?

Amnesia can be caused by head injuries, brain disease, or epilepsy, as well as by dissociation

Is amnesia a personality disorder?

No, amnesia is not a personality disorder. Amnesia is a loss of memory, often caused by physical damage to the brain, psychological trauma, or other factors, while personality disorders involve long-standing patterns of behavior that deviate from cultural norms.

Is Amnesia genetic?

No, it is not genetic because Amnesia is usually caused by a blow to the head, stokes, brain inflammation, lack of adequate amount of oxygen to the brain, long-term alcohol abuse, tumors in areas of the brain that controls memory, degenerative brain disease, and ingestion of toxic substances that harm brain.

How can you remember how to speak English if you have amnesia?

Amnesia usually effects a certain part of the brain that contains personal information, recent memories, etc... The language center of your brain is in a different part, and is usually uneffected.

How can you stop being racist?

brain transplant

Which is more risky heart surgery or brain surgery?

Brain surgery is more riskier it is just my hunch my gut feelilngs surgeons can transplant a heart but to date cannot transplant a brain.

does brain transplant affect mans way of thinking?

At present there is no such procedure as a "brain" (or should that be a "body") transplant. Thus it has not affected mans ways of thinking.

how to move on?

Be diagnosed with amnesia. Best ways to get amnesia is serious brain injuries, certain drugs, traumatic events, and heavy alcohol usage. 😊👍

Is it possible to transplant brain from animal to human being?


Is there a scientific term referring to Brain Fart?

yes, maladaptive brain activity change. memory lapse temporary amnesia