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Q: Does a human nose grow What if your whole life?
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Which organ continues to grow your whole life?

The nose is the organ which continues to grow throughout life

Which part of human body grows through out their entire life?

The ears and nose grow though out a person's life time.

Is a bottled nose dolphin metamorphic?

No. Bottlenose dolphins remain in the same form their whole life but grow in size.

Do human noses grow?

no, only if you strech it ... when you grow up you are gonna have big nose holes

Do are ears grow when you get older?

In human beings both the ears and nose can become somewhat larger later in life.

What two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life?

Your nose. After adults have reached their full height, some parts of their bodies continue to grow. Name these parts. toenails, fingernails, actually shrink when you grow older because the platelets in between your spinal segments flatten Any part of your body that is made of cartilage continues to grow. As in Ears and Nose. Of course there are fingernails and hair but I wouldn't consider those "body parts." Hope that helped.Your liver heals itself and lives forever unless it loses that capability due to fat, disease, or alcohol. Your nails and hair grow your entire life.

Does your nose change as you grow?

Yes. Noses are made of cartilage, which keeps growing through out your life.

How can one draw a human nose?

First study the human nose, draw a line down the middle of the egg shape from the top bottom, draw a line across the middle of your egg from left to right, start the first line of the bridge and then draw the whole nose.

How do boogers form in a human nose?

boogers (ew) form by dirt that you breath in through your moouth and nose. i know its gross but its part of life! :)

What job does the human nose perform?

The human nose does many types of jobs. The main function of the nose is to smell. The human nose has tiny hair sensors that allow a human to smell.

How much does human hair grow in a month?

Your hair grows .75 inches in a month

Does your nose grow during puberty?

It will grow proportionally to the rest of the body