

Does a killer whale survive a hippo?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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yes it survives a hippo

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Q: Does a killer whale survive a hippo?
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If a killer whale and a hippo were in a fight who would win?

The killer whale would clearly win the fight with little difficulty. The killer whale is the ultimate predator and there is absolutely nothing discovered that could hold its own with a killer whale in a battle in the ocean. In San Francisco, a killer whale just grabbed a great white shark and swam with it in its mouth and knew that if it held the shark upside-down, then tonic immobility would kick in and the shark would become in a trance, unable to move or breathe. Groups of killer whales attack even the largest whales on the planet, including blue whales, which can reach over 100 feet long, and sperm whales, toothed predators that can be over 60 feet long. The killer whale would easily find a way to hold the hippo so that the hippo would drown, just as it learns to tonically immobilize sharks, and even hunt string rays, sharks, and larger whales. In addition to the cunning, the force of a killer whale would dominate the hippo as well. An average killer whale reaches about 25 feet, while the hippo is about ten feet less. An average hippo weighs 2-3 tons and the average killer whale is about 9. The killer whale can hold its breath longer and can also swim faster. The hippo never stood a chance...

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What does a killer whale need to survive in a dessert?

Water and a keg

What is a pregnant fish killer called?

Killer whale Killer whale Killer whale

How emperor penguins survive in the water?

Look for food and Watch out for the leopard seal or the killer whale

What physical features hindered the killer whale from surviving?

its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale

Why does the killer whale live in oceans?

If they were on land they would die, (no legs or arms and no way to get food or water).

Which is faster a killer whale or a sperm whale?

a killer whale is faster

Can a killer whale survive in the desert?

Orcas require an ocean to survive and could not live in a barren desert.

How do they get the name killer whale?

The killer whale is surprisingly not a whale that Is what is often misleading about them. The killer whale is actually a species of dolphin in the oceanic dolphin family delphinidae the reason it got its name is because people saw the dolphin hunting and killing whales at first the killer whale was called the killer of whales but then it eventually got shortened to killer whale

Will the killer whale win or blue whale?

the killer whale would win

Which family is the killer whale from?

Killer whale's are from the Dolphin Family. Killer whale's are the largest member of the Dolphin Family.