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No, koalas do not live in the tundra. Koalas require eucalyptus bushland in temperate or sub-tropical zones of eastern Australia. Tundra is too cold. Australia's only tundra is on Mt Kosciuszko and nearby high country, which does not support the eucalyptus trees koalas need for their survival.

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Q: Does a koala live in the tundra?
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Does a koala live in a desert or tundra?

Neither. Koalas typically inhabit open eucalypt woodlands, and the leaves of these trees make up most of their diet.

What are tolerances of a koala bear in the tundra?

None. Koalas are not bears and they do not live in the tundra. The koala lives mostly within the temperate zones. Its habitat is eucalypt woodland and bushland, but of the several hundred species of eucalyptus ("gum trees"), koalas prefer about 60 varieties, with their specific preferences being limited to a couple of dozen. After that, there are still just one or two key species that a koala population must have to thrive, even if the number of trees of that species is only small. These types of eucalyptus trees are not found in the tundra.

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