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Q: Does a level 2 background check have a urine test?
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How do you check pH level?

Try the urine test stripes or saliva test stripes.

What is the test for ecstasy?

they check your urine.

What is a method to check whether you are pregnant or not?

A urine home pregnancy test or a urine test at the doctor or a blood test at the doctor.

What level of background check would I need to get in order to work for the FBI?

The FBI does their own background check. Depending on what you are being hired for the level of that check will be different. For a standard office job it will most likely be a simple criminal and financial background check. However if you are looking to become an agent you will go through a very in depth background check that can include interviews with friends and family, past teachers and former employers. You will even have to go through a lie detector test.

Does the urine test for Parole check for alcohol?


Why Benedict's solution turns green in urine test?

It means that the sugar level in your urine is .5% higher than the normal sugar level . (=

What can your doctor learn from a urine test?

From the urine test your doctor can tell wether you are pregnant or not. Not only can you test for pregnancy, but to also check to see if the right stuff are coming out.

Could you have chlamydia if there is no bacteria in your urine?

Yes. A culture to detect bacteria in the urine does not check for chlamydia. The urine test for chlamydia is not a standard urinalysis or urine culture, but is a specific test to detect chlamydia's genetic material. Ask for the test specifically if you are concerned.

Can urine test read false?

Yes, if you doubt your test results then i suggest you buy a new test and check.

Does cholesterol medicine show up in a lab urine test?


Urine drug test can you tell the difference between male and female urine and if so is it standard to check?

"yes you can tell if the urine is from a female or a male its a very simple process" The Urine Drug Test is usually an immunoassay for drugs, not a test to detect sex.

Can a female use male urine to pass a urine pregnancy test?

A urine pregnancy test tests for the "preg hormone" in the urine, which is at a higher level when a woman is pregnant. However, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish; a pregnancy test isn't a "Pass/Fail" scenario; it tells you if you're pregnant or not. Male urine on a pregnancy test should test negative.