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Q: Does a lion's cell have the same functioning or do they have many different functioning?
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What is a lion's hangout?

There are many different Lions. African Lions hang out in dense bushy areas on the veldt.

What is cytoplasym?

Cytoplasm is the gooey like substance in a cell that surrounds the organelles. The cytoplasm has many chemicals inside which keep the cell functioning. I hope this helped you!!

How many lions in national emblems?

there are four lions in the national emblem of india there is one more just below the four main lions which face the four different directions

What cell can develop into many different cell types?

A pluripotent cell, such as some adult stem cells. Many different types, but not any different type as that would be totipotent.

Is a hand a cell?

Its not actually a cell but its made out of many different cells.

How many chromosome are in the cell of the lions?

All cats have 38 chromosomes, except for ocelots and Geoffrey's cats.

Where is Lions Gate Hospital located?

The Lions Gate Hospital is a hospital that offers many different medical services. The location of Lions Gate Hospital is: 231 East 15th Street in North Vancouver.

Who do lions live with besides lions?

if you are reffering to in the pride itself nothing but lions, but if you are reffering to the habitat then many things including other lion prides, there prey( zebra, wildabeast, gazzele, and much more),many different insects, elephants, cheetahs, snakes, different rodents, and much more. if you consider flys then sure.

What is the cell wall of plant cell made of?

the cell wall of a plant cell is made up of many different things like sugars and cellulose. It can be made up of many different things though.

Is a cell made up of many different cells?

A cell is a it's only one cell.

Were is the cytoplasm in the cell?

The cytoplasm is found throughout the cell in many different areas.