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consumes it

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Q: Does a lion consume energy or produce energy?
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Computers do not produce energy, they use/consume energy.

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Hydrogen! :)

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What are the components of the respiration processes?

These are Two: those that produce Energy and those that consume Energy.

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chemistry? more specific please

Does a lion obtain energy directly from the sun or indirectly?

All animals, including lions, obtain their energy from the sun indirectly.

What helps organisms grow?

Energy. Food they eat or produce requires energy as well as the water they consume, the sun provides energy to make condensation happen, which is part of the water cycle.

Do plants consume or produce food?

They produce food (Glucose) but then they use most of it to respire and get energy to survive.The Glucose which is the food is stores as starch if it is not used as starch is not soluble in water.

Where does the lion get its energy?

The lion obtains energy feeding on the zebra.

Why plants have chloroplast and animals do not?

It's because animals are heterotrophs. The consume other organisms to gain energy by eating, drinking etc. Plants are autotrophs, which mean they produce and release energy by themselves because they can't consume other organisms. With the exception of carnivorous plants

Is a reptile a consumer or a producer?

Most things that are not plants are consumers. So, too, are reptiles consumers because the can consume plants or other animals for energy, but cannot produce their own energy.

Does lymph nodes produce energy?

your question is not phrased very clearly=what exactly do you want to know? No, they consume energy (calories) for their activities. Through metabolic activity they might produce some heat but in terms of keeping the body warm, this is achieved by the muscles.