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Q: Does a low pulse rate make you feel tired?
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Can you detect a mood from a pulse?

It is locical. If the pulse rate is beating fast then it means that you have jut done something enerjetic or are stressed. If the pulse rate is slow then it means that you have been resting and are tired.

How will you know if my heart rate is high?

Feel your pulse.

Why do you have a pulse rate?

We have a pulse because every time the heart beats, it makes a pulse. So when you can't feel your pulse it means your heart has stopped beating.

What is the normal tibial pulse rate?

A distal pulse should be the same rate as a femoral pulse, carotid pulse, brachial pulse, pedal pulse, or radial pulse. The strength of the pulse may be harder to feel the further away from the heart, but the rate should be the same. One heart, One Pulse Rate. The Normal heart rate/pulse in an adult is 60-100 beats per minute. Less of course, in the super healthy athlete.

What if the baby pulse rate is higher than normal?

The child may be out of breath or tired. If this continuos see your doctor.

How do you calculate a persons pulse rate?

To get your pulse rate fing on spot where your can feel your pulse, I think on your neck is the best, then put your fingers on it and count how many beats you get in fifteen seconds then multiply by 4 and that's how you get your average pulse rate.

Can you have arithmia when your pulse rate is high?

Why do you have your pulse rate taken? Why do you have your pulse rate taken?

How are your breathing rate and pulse rate related?

The breathing rate and pulse rate are related proportionally. If the breathing rate increases, so does the pulse rate. The pulse rate is an indication of the breathing rate.

Why can you substitute pulse rate for heart rate?

Because they are one and the same. When you feel a persons pulse with the forefinger, and not the thumb, you feel each individual beat of the heart. The reason you dont use the thumb, is because you can actually feel your own heart beat as well, making the reading innacurate. The best way to read a pulse is to count the beats for a total of 15 seconds and multiply by 4.

Can a high pulse rate cause headaches?

no the thing is when we are affected to headache our pulse beat in our head increases. when you are having an headache just touch your veins in you head you can feel the increas of pulse .

Should I seek medical advice if my pulse rate has risen and I feel faint and sick?


How can I find out what my seated pulse rate is?

You can find out your seated pulse rate by placing your two fingers not your thumb onto the carotid artery in your neck.You will feel a pulse under your fingers count the beats for a full minute.