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Q: Does a mass on your kidney always mean cancer?
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What could a mass on the cecum mean?

The cecum is located at the beginning of the large intestine. If there is a mass, or polyp, on the cecum it could mean cancer. This type of cancer is colon cancer.

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If you have a Cancer sign does it mean you have cancer?

a cancer is a killer disease.... but now it is curable on this time because of technology... a sign of a cancer has a mass on the parts that you have a cancer for example if you have a lung cancer in x ray a mass is located in your lungs that's all thank you

What does a 2-3 mm stone within the interpolar region of the right kidney mean?

it might be a cyst or a mass

The mass of cells that result from uncontrolled cell growth?

A mass of new cells that forms from uncontrolled cell growth is refered to as a neoplasm. This can indicate a cancer or tumour, where cell growth is unchecked and defective.

Does a breast mass mean it is most likely cancer?

No. It means a mass in the breast. It could be cancer, it could be a cyst, it could be any number of things. You'd need to go to a physician to get a definitive answer as to what it is.

What is the name for a mass of cells growing out of control?

It depends on what you mean by 'out of control', but if you mean the cell keeps can't stop dividing while carrying faulty information, it's called cancer.

Is heredity kidney cancer associated with the 23 chromosome?

My sister is 52 years of age. Her downsyndrome male child is 27years old. He has diabetes and his kidneys have failed. During the donor process his mother turned out to be a perfect match, however she was spilling protein in her urine. Upon further analysis she has been diagnoised with renel cell cancer. Her kidney is to be removed on Wednesday, April8th. The child is on the national register for a kidney and a panc. I was told by a MD that the 23rd chromosome had a gene for kidney cancer as well as downsyndrome. What does all this mean?

What does it mean when you have to pee a lot and your back is always hurting?

It could mean anything but you should definitely get it checked out by a doctor to determine what it is.

How does early testing indicating increases in CEA levels impact the cure rate in return cancer?

Unfortunately, this does not always mean the recurrent cancer can be cured.

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What does a mean cortical thickness of 20 mm in kidney ultrasound mean?

normal kidney measurements