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The size of a black hole, as defined by the size of the event horizon, depends on the mass of the black hole and its electrical charge. The diameter of the event horizon is directly proportional to the black hole's mass. Adding electrical charge decreases the size of the event horizon.

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12y ago

No, they become white dwarves or clumps of burned-out hydrogen and helium that float through space.

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15y ago

Close; the size of the black hole depends entirely on the MASS of the original star.

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Q: Does a medium size star become black holes?
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Do medium size stars become black holes true or false?

False. Only the most massive stars will become black holes.

Do medium size stars become black holes?

No. They do not have enough mass to become black holes. Depending on the mass they will either become white dwarfs or neutron stars.

Medium size stars become black holes true or false?

False. Medium-sized stars become white dwarfs. Only the most massive stars form black holes.

Do all-stars tern into blackholes when they die?

Not all stars do but stars can turn into black holes. Small ones turn in to a black dwarf star when it dies. Medium ones turn in to a neutron then in to a red giant star and then to white dwarf star Large size stars becomes a blackhole..........

Do mini black holes exist?

yes. some black holes are predicted to be the size of an electron.

Is an Intermediate-mass black hole a type of black hole?

Yes. Intermediate-mass blackhole is a medium size black hole. Scientists have found stellar black holes and supermassive black holes but there is no prove that Intermediate-mass black type of black holes exist. My opinion is that they do exist because when a black hole is becoming a black hole supermassiveblack hole it will need to go though this stage of intermediate-mass black hole.

How fast can black holes go?

there is no exact answer, different black holes have different speeds, but all black holes can crush 1 tonne of metal into a size of a pebble

Are black holes the size of stars?

Except for supemassive black holes, no. Most black holes have about the same mass as a star, but the event horizon is only a few miles across.

What will a super large star become?

black holes

If a black hole become visible what will be its size if it is at a distance equal to sun?

First and the crux here is that, black holes can never become visible(that's why they are called black holes) because the gravity is so insane that it doesn't even allow light to pass! Secondly, if by mistake it was going to become visible then it would appear like any other ordinary star, because black holes have a diameter, on an average, of about 100kms. for more info about blackholes u can refer intermediate physics textbook

How are black holes measured in size?

By the diameter of their event horizon.

A star the size of your sun will never be a blackhole?

correct, large stars typically become black holes after exploding; our sun is relatively small compared to other stars