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Q: Does a memory location or byte usually store dozens of characters like the alphabet?
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Are numbers part of the alphabet?

No. An alphabet consists of only letters. A phoneme is a unit of language which has meaning. Letters, numbers, and symbols are all phonemes. There are dozens of phoneme types and subtypes. For instance, within letters you have consonants and vowels.

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There have been dozens of movie characters named Dickens, from those unrelated to Charles Dickens to satirical roles.

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There are dozens of Borders locations in Chicago. To be able to properly answer this question, one would have to know the location of the person asking the question in order to find the nearest location for that individual.

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It depends how many you put in the bag. Popsicles are usually sold in the dozens in boxes.

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Joe Shuster

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The play was written in English, but has been translated into dozens of languages.It is set in Denmark, so it's presumed that the characters are speaking Danish.

Where can you see the alphabet in Japanese?

Which alphabet? There is hiragana (used in daily writing) and katakana (kind of your ALL CAPS words use in advertising or to write loan words---words originally from other languages). Both can be found by doing a google images search for hiragana or katakana. There are dozens of them floating around the web just waiting to be found. <3

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You could purchase credits, or you could play dozens of characters to get the free credits (that would take more than a day). There are no shortcuts.

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here are exactly 60 dozens in 720!

7.5 cupcakes is how many dozens?

.625 dozens