


Computer Memory

The computer memory is a physical device used to store data or programs for use in a computer. Some types of computer memory include RAM (random access memory), ROM (read-only memory), and page cache.

4,404 Questions

Which element is used for manufacture of computer memory chips?

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Silicon is the primary element used for the manufacture of computer memory chips. Silicon is a semiconductor material that can be easily manipulated to create integrated circuits and memory storage components like transistors and capacitors.

What is the difference between 6 or 8 MG Ram?

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The main difference between 6GB and 8GB of RAM is the amount of memory available for running processes and applications. With 8GB of RAM, you have more capacity to handle multiple tasks simultaneously or run more demanding programs without experiencing slowdowns due to memory limitations. Ultimately, the higher amount of RAM provides better performance and multitasking capabilities.

What will happen if harpic is mixed with turmeric?

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Asked by Shashankmehra

Mixing Harpic (a toilet bowl cleaner) with turmeric is not recommended because it can produce harmful fumes or reactions. It is safer to use these substances separately for their intended purposes, as mixing them can result in toxic gases. It's important to always follow the instructions on cleaning products and avoid mixing them with other substances.

What are the four units of measure for computer memory and storage not including the byte?

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Asked by Wiki User

Name 4 memory units in which memory of a storage device is measured not includin byte?

How many 1.25MHz carriers are there in a CDMA cell?

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Asked by Wiki User

In CDMA, each carrier typically has a bandwidth of 1.25 MHz. Therefore, there is typically one 1.25 MHz carrier in a CDMA cell.

Computer memory based on the protein bacterio-rhodopsin?

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Bacteriorhodopsin is a protein found in certain archaea that can be used in biologically inspired photonic devices. It has the potential to be utilized in memory and data storage applications due to its ability to undergo reversible photo-induced changes in conductivity. Bacteriorhodopsin-based memory devices are being researched for their potential to offer high-density and low-energy-consuming storage solutions.

How much data can a 1 TB external hard drive hold?

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Asked by Wiki User

A 1 TB external hard drive can hold approximately 1,000 GB of data. The exact amount of data it can hold will depend on the size of the files being stored, as well as the formatting of the drive.

How much memory is 1 tb?

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Asked by Wiki User

1,024 gigabytesOn a hard drive, a terabyte, abbreviated TB, is 1012 = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes of information. That is 1,024 times a gigabyte (GB) or 1,048,576 times a megabyte (MB), which is a million million bytes.

Among other things, a computer often uses one byte of space, in memory or on disk or tape, to represent one character (such as "c" or "&").

To think practically how much information a terabyte of disk space holds, let's assume we're storing text from magazine pages on a computer that does use one byte per character. At an average 5,000 characters per page, 1TB of disk space could hold 220 million pages of text!

Remember when 3.5" floppy diskettes were all the rage ?

It will take 728,178 of those disks to equal the storage capacity of a 1,024 gigabyte hard drive.

How many gigabytes in a zettabyte?

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Asked by Wiki User

One zettabyte is equal to 1099511627776 gigabytes.

What is the list of prefixes from lowest to highest for bytes?

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Asked by Wiki User

The list of prefixes from lowest to highest for bytes is kilobyte (KB), megabyte (MB), gigabyte (GB), terabyte (TB), petabyte (PB), exabyte (EB), zettabyte (ZB), and yottabyte (YB). These prefixes represent increasing orders of magnitude when measuring data storage capacity.

How does a human memory work?

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Compared to computer memory, human memory is not only more complex, but much more unpredictable. Unlike the popular notion that memories are "stored" intact in a specific location in the brain, they are actually fragments which may be spread over hundreds of physical areas. In addition to the storage of memories, there is the added complexity of retrieving them. Some scientists say that each time we make an attempt to recall a certain memory, the fragments have to be pieced back together into a whole. The unpredictability comes from which fragments, how they are recombined, and what picture they might make from one time to the next.

Do viruses have scientific names?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, viruses have scientific names that are typically based on their classification, such as the type of virus and where it was first isolated. These names are often used in scientific research and taxonomy to distinguish between different viruses.

What comes after a TB?

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Asked by Wiki User

PB or petabyte which is 1024TB or 1000TB depending what you are talking about.

I believe the question is on Hard disk Space, hence, it starts with a Byte (byte)

Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 Bytes

Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB

Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB

Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB

Petabyte (PB) = 1024 TB

Exabyte (EB) = 1024 PB

Zettabyte (ZB) = 1024 EB

Yottabyte (YB) = 1024 ZB

Keep multiplying by 1024 to get the next unit.

What are computer storage measurements such as megabytes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Computer storage measurements such as megabytes (MB) are used to quantify the amount of digital data that can be stored on a device. One megabyte is approximately 1 million bytes of data. It is often used to measure file sizes, storage capacities, or data transfer rates in computing systems.

What is 'plastic memory and how is it found in clay terms?

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Plastic memory refers to the characteristic of a material to retain its shape or form after being manipulated or stretched. In clay terms, plastic memory can be observed when clay retains its shape or position after being molded or sculpted by the artist. This property allows the clay to hold intricate details and maintain its structure throughout the drying and firing process.

You suspect that a power supply is faulty but you use a multimeter to measure its voltage output and find it to be acceptable Why is it still possible that the power supply may be faulty?

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Asked by Wiki User

The voltage output may appear to be within acceptable range under no load conditions, but the power supply may fail under load. Additionally, there could be issues with the power supply related to its current or ripple that cannot be accurately measured with a multimeter alone. It is also possible that the power supply has intermittent faults that are not consistently present when measuring voltage output.

How many bits of information does a single cell of a memory chip on a 256MB PC2700 DDR module hold?

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Edited: 10/02/09 12:32 AM PDT

The previous answer here said simply:

"8 bits"

....which might be correct for the rate of data transfer (per cell), but that doesn't answer the question!

The way I finally figured it:

A 256MB (mega BYTE) module has 8 cells, (or chips).

256/8 = 32MB per cell

To convert BYTES to BITS, multiply by 8; (8 BITS to a BYTE).

32MB (x8) = 256Mb (mega BITS) per cell.

To convert MEGA bits to BITS*:

*(when referring to data storage, as in this case...)

1Mb = 1048576 bits

Therefore, the cell being 256Mb = (256 x 1048576) =

268,435,456 bits per cell

Formula: (256 x 1024 x 1024)

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How are typhoons measured?

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Asked by Wiki User

Typhoons are measured using the Saffir-Simpson scale, which categorizes storms based on their sustained wind speeds. The scale ranges from Category 1 (74-95 mph) to Category 5 (157+ mph), with higher categories indicating greater intensity and potential damage. Typhoons are also monitored using other factors such as pressure and storm surge.

What is plastic memory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plastic memory, also known as shape memory polymer, refers to a type of material that can retain a specific shape or form, and then return to its original shape when triggered by a particular stimulus, such as heat or light. This property allows it to be easily molded and deformed without losing its structural integrity.

What is the difference between formulating a model and inferring?

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Asked by Wiki User

Formulating a model involves developing a theoretical framework or structure to represent a phenomenon, while inferring involves drawing conclusions or making predictions based on data gathered from observations or experiments within that model. In other words, formulating a model is about designing the structure, while inferring is about using that structure to understand or predict real-world outcomes.

How can differentiate the ddr1 ram and ddr 2 ram on physical look?

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Asked by Wiki User

DDR1 RAM typically has 184 pins and a notch located closer to the center. DDR2 RAM has 240 pins and a notch positioned more towards one side. You can also look at the labeling on the RAM module itself to identify whether it is DDR1 or DDR2.

Can ram with two different MHz for example pc2700 and pc3200 work on the same machine simultaneously?

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Yes, RAM with different MHz (such as PC2700 and PC3200) can work in the same machine, but they will all operate at the speed of the slowest module (in this case, PC2700). It's generally recommended to use RAM modules of the same speed to ensure optimal performance and compatibility.

How memory can be improved?

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Asked by Wiki User

Memory can be improved by regularly engaging in activities that challenge the brain, such as puzzles or learning new skills. Getting enough quality sleep, managing stress, and staying physically active also support memory function. Additionally, techniques like mnemonic devices, visualization, and chunking information can help improve memory retention.

How much space does Perfect World take up on a computer?

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Asked by Mjone77

The size of Perfect World will vary based on the version and any additional content installed. The minimum system requirements for the game suggest at least 40GB of available storage space.