


Intel 8086 and 8088

The Intel 8086/8088 family of microprocessors is a 16 bit architecture on a 16 bit (8086) or an 8 bit (8088) bus. The 8088 was the processor in the original IBM PC, and has evolved into the most popular processor used today in PC's and servers.

1,053 Questions

Is there any on board computer with microprocessor 8086 that use to measure temperature and pressure?

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Yes, there are on-board computers with microprocessor 8086 that can be used to measure temperature and pressure. These computers can be equipped with sensors for temperature and pressure measurements, and programmed to process and display the data collected from these sensors in real-time. The 8086 microprocessor is capable of handling the data processing requirements for these measurements.

How do you identify pin connections on AND gate IC chips?

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Asked by Wiki User

To identify pin connections on an AND gate IC chip, refer to the datasheet provided by the manufacturer. The datasheet will have a pinout diagram showing the location and function of each pin on the chip. Additionally, you can use a multimeter to test for continuity between pins to confirm their connections.

Instructions for Envirastation dws-200?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Envirastation DWS-200 is a weather monitoring system. To set it up, first install the batteries and place the unit outside in an open area. Then follow the instructions in the user manual to configure the date, time, and other settings. The system will start to collect weather data which can be viewed on the display screen.

Explain how the properties of life emerge from complex organization?

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Asked by Wiki User

The properties of life, such as growth, reproduction, and adaptation, emerge from complex organization because living organisms have highly organized structures and processes at various levels, from cells to organ systems. This organization allows for the coordination of activities necessary for life, such as metabolism and responding to stimuli. Through intricate interactions and feedback mechanisms, complex organization enables living beings to exhibit the characteristics and behaviors associated with life.

What is a program called gem master?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gem Master is a puzzle game where players must match gems of the same color to clear the board. The goal is to earn points by creating matches and achieving high scores within a limited number of moves. It is a strategic and challenging game that tests players' problem-solving skills.

Do spaces count as bytes in emails?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, spaces count as bytes in emails because they are characters that are included in the overall size of the email message. Each character, including spaces, adds to the byte count of the email.

Which register is used as an offset address for the string instruction destination in the microprocessor?

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DI is used as an offset address for string instruction destinations in the microprocessors.

What are the basic difference Intel 80386 real protected and virtual 8086 modes?

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khankir sabal bal sero.ami answer toder kase jiggasa koresi ar tora amare answer korte bolsis.baler server tomader eta.bou er mai chapo

What is the pin diagram of ic 7812?

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Picture in context can be found here:


What is the difference between the Intel 8085 and the Intel 8086?

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The Intel 8085 is an 8 bit microprocessor created in 1977.

The Intel 8086 is a 16 bit microprocessor created in 1978. The 8086 was the first chip to start the x86 architecture family.

8085 contains 16-bit address bus and 8-bit data bus

8086 contains 20-bit address bus and 16-bit data bus..

In 8085 the clock speed is 3MHZ

where as in 8086 the clock speed is 5MHZ.
there are two differences btw 8085&8086

1. 8086 has 6 byte queue but 8085 has 4 byte queue

2. 8086 has 16 bit data bus where as 8085 has 8 bit data bus

Why is it if MARIE has 4k words of main memory and addresses must have 12 bits?

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4K (4096) of addressable space is defined by 12 bits of address space, because 212 = 4096.

What is the program in 8086 to convert a hexadecimal number to its ASCII code?

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  • LXI H, 4150 ; Point to data
  • LXI B, 0000 ; Initialize hundreds= 0, Tens=0
  • MOV A, M ; Get hex data to A
  • LOOP: SUI 64
  • JC LOOP 1
  • INR B ; hundreds= hundreds+1
  • LOOP 1: ADI 64 ; if subtracted extra, add it clear carry flag
  • LOOP 2: SUI 0A
  • JC LOOP 3
  • INR C ; Tens=tens+1
  • JMP LOOP 2
  • LOOP 3: ADI 0A ; If subtracted extra, add it again
  • INX H ; A = Units
  • MOV M, B ; store hundreds
  • MOV B, A ; Combine Tens in C &
  • MOV A, C ; Units in A to form a
  • RLC ; Single 8-bit number
  • RLC
  • RLC
  • RLC
  • ADD B
  • INX H
  • MOV M, A ; Store tens & Units
  • HLT

Can you use sp as offset address holder with cs?

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Asked by SivaParvathi

SP is the stack pointer and can be used in the stack operations. It cannot be used for fetching the instruction

What is the highest memory address?

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Asked by Wiki User

The highest memory address in the 8086/8088 is FFFFFH.

Why a segment can not start from the physical address 77777?

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Asked by Wiki User

For any segment base address, segment first physical address will have 0 in the least

significant position in hexadecimal format.

Let say, our Segment base =0x1234, and we calculate segment first physical address as


IS Two important components of the system unit are the microprocessor and the hard disk?

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The CPU comprised of three main parts: AlU(ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT):- Does the actual Logic comparisons that need to be processed. Control Unit:-Can execute and store the results coming out of ALU. Registers:- store the data that is to be executed next.

How general purpose registers increases speed of operation?

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I am not quite sure how significant this is. The reason, however, is that accessing a register, which is part of the CPU, is faster than accessing RAM memory, which is located on a separate chip.

I am not quite sure how significant this is. The reason, however, is that accessing a register, which is part of the CPU, is faster than accessing RAM memory, which is located on a separate chip.

I am not quite sure how significant this is. The reason, however, is that accessing a register, which is part of the CPU, is faster than accessing RAM memory, which is located on a separate chip.

I am not quite sure how significant this is. The reason, however, is that accessing a register, which is part of the CPU, is faster than accessing RAM memory, which is located on a separate chip.

Pin configuration of 10 pin 7 segment display?

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Do you have a virtual copy of game plan sharpshooter,coney island or pinball lizard .How much would it cost ?

What is the size of address bus in 8086?

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The address bus in the 8085 is 16 bits wide.

What is the difference between 32 bit microprocessor and 64 bit microprocessor?

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The fundamental difference between a 32-bit and 64-bit microprocessor is what their names suggest: the size of the basic integer operations, also called the 'native' size of a CPU's calculations. The native size of a CPU determines a whole bunch of related characteristics.

For instance, all integer calculations are done using the native size; this matters in terms of performance for several reasons:

  • if you add two integers smaller than the native size, it requires only a single operation.
  • if you add two integers larger than the native size, you must perform 3 operations (add the upper values, add the lower values, then combine).

For instance, if you wanted to add two 20-bit numbers, on both the 32-bit CPU and 64-bit CPU it would require a single operation. However, if you wanted to add two 40-bit numbers, it would require only 1 operation on a 64-bit CPU, but 3 operations on a 32-bit CPU.

The native size of a CPU also determines things like the maximum addressable memory - thus, a 32-bit CPU can address up to 2^32 = 4GB of memory, while a 64-bit system can address up to 16 Exabytes. It also determines the minimum size of information that has to be processed - when fetching information from caches and memory, no operation can be done with information less than the native size. Thus, 64-bit CPUs are more demanding on memory subsystems, as they need to process information in 64-bit chunks, rather than 32-bit ones.

Which protocol is used to convert logical IP addresses to physical MAC addresses?

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Asked by Wiki User

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

ARP is primarily used to translate IP Addresses to Ethernet MAC Addresses.

What is the difference between minimum mode and maximum mode?

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Minimum mode in the 8086/8088 provides the functionality of the 8288 bus controller, which means that functions like HOLD, HLDA, WR-, M/IO-, DT/R-, DEN-, ALE, and INTA- come off of the 8086/8088.

Maximum mode means that these functions come off of the 8288, in somewhat enhanced form, and the pins are replaced with new meanings like RQ-/GT0-, RG-/GT1-, LOCK-, S2-, S1-, S0-, QS2, and S21, giving the processor extra capabilities.

Explain about segment registers in 8086MP?

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There are four segment registers in the 8086/8088 processor, CS, DS, ES, and SS, also known as Code Segment, Data Segment, Extra Segment, and Stack Segment. Any time an address is generated by the processor, it is added to the value of one of the segment registers, after that segment register is effectively multiplied by 16, or left shifted four bits, in order to generate the physical address that accesses memory. This gives an effective address range of 20 bits, or 1mb, but note that only 64kb is addressable through any segment register at one time, unless you stop to change the contents of that segment register. This is known as a segmented architecture. By default, the CS register is used when fetching instructions, the DS register is used when accessing data, the SS register is used when accessing the stack, and the ES register is used during certain string type instructions. If desired, an instruction prefix can be used to override, such as forcing use of CS instead of DS when using a table contained within opcode space.