



A microprocessor is the heart of any computer, whether it is a server, a desktop machine, or a laptop. This single chip contains the arithmetic, control, and logic circuitry necessary to interpret and execute computer programs.

2,568 Questions

Modern processor chips may be classified as?

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Modern processor chips may be classified as central processing units (CPUs) or graphics processing units (GPUs). CPUs are designed for general-purpose computing tasks, while GPUs are optimized for graphics and parallel processing tasks. Other classifications include application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).

What happens if you use a 120 Volt bulb where a 130 volt socket?

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Using a 120 volt bulb in a 130 volt socket may cause the bulb to burn out more quickly or not function properly. The higher voltage from the socket can lead to a higher current flowing through the bulb, which can damage it or cause it to fail prematurely. It is always best to match the voltage of the bulb with the voltage of the socket for optimal performance and safety.

What are the major Components in an RDBMS?

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The major components in a relational database management system (RDBMS) include tables (for storing data in rows and columns), keys (to uniquely identify rows), queries (for retrieving and manipulating data), and relationships (to define connections between tables using foreign keys). These components work together to efficiently store, manage, and retrieve data in a relational database system.

What is a core dump?

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In many OS's like WindowsNT, for example, a core dump is basically the computer barfing up everything it has in memory (ram) at that moment. WindowsNT, XP and 2000 use core dumps so that an administrator can perhaps recover from a system crash. OS's like Linux and Unix use core dumps as well, but since they are more stable Operating Systems, they rarely dump the core. For many of us home users, a core dump is just a huge waste of hard drive space and they are safe to delete. If you were working on some important document at the time your system "barfed" or crashed, a technically savvy pro could recover (maybe) some of what you might otherwise have lost using the core dump. Additionally, it can help the programmer to determine why the system crashed, or caused a "SEGFAULT".

Answer-- A core dump consists of the recorded state of the working memory of a computer program at a specific time, generally when the program has terminated abnormally (crashed).[1] In practice, other key pieces of program state are usually dumped at the same time, including the processor registers, which may include the program counter and stack pointer, memory management information, and other processor and operating system flags and information. The name comes from the once-standard core memory technology. Core dumps are often used to diagnose or debug errors in computer programs.

On many operating systems, a fatal error in a program automatically triggers a core dump, and by extension the phrase "to dump core" has come to mean, in many cases, any fatal error, regardless of whether a record of the program memory results.

How should you look after a new piercing?

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It is important always to get your piercings performed with needles as opposed to guns, as is the common misconception. Needles are both less painful than guns, but also much better for your piercing, being both more sterile and allowing your piercing to heal more quickly without implications. Make sure to get piercings done by a reputable piercer rather than in somewhere such as a mall, where the 'piercers' often have no more than a days training.

After getting your piercing, there are two common routes to be taken for aftercare: the LITHA method (Leave It The Hell Alone - speaks for itself), and the one listed below.

Piercings should only be cleaned with a sea salt solution. This is made up by putting 1/4 of a teaspoon of sea salt into a mug of boiling water and allowing it to cool a little. A cotton bud / q-tip dipped in this solution can then be used to gently clean the piercing. Keep away from antiseptic solutions and the like, as these are often too strong for a fresh piercing. If you encounter any problems, consult your piercer.

For oral piercings (tongue, etc), the mouth should either be cleaned with cool sea salt solution (as detailed above) or with a non-alcohol mouthwash. It is important that the mouthwash does not contain alcohol as alcohol is a blood thinner, slowing the healing time of your piercing. For tongue piercings, try to keep smoking to a minimum for around two weeks and try not to talk too much on day 1 - the tongue will become fatigued very quickly.

You do need to rotate your piercing, as not rotating it can cause the skin to heal to the jewelry, and other nasty things that you don't want to happen. Clearly whomever wrote this before me has never had a piercing. A happy piercing will ideally be pierced with a barbell as opposed to a ring, as barbells tend to move less during the healing period. Once the healing period is over, the jewellery can subsequently be changed to a ring if desired.

Regardless of what others tell you (including piercers - as mentioned earlier, many 'piercers' are not sufficiently trained), very few piercings heal in less than 3/4 months, including lobes (many will tell you that jewellery can be changed after 6 weeks - this is not recommended even if the piercing feels healed, as the fistula is still forming at this point). The exceptions to this are tongue piercings, which heal in about 2-3 weeks, and lip piercings which can heal in about 6-8 weeks.

What is 8087 NDP Co-processor?

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The 8087 NDP (Numeric Data Processor) is a coprocessor designed by Intel to work alongside the 8086 and 8088 microprocessors, which were prevalent in early personal computers. The NDP was introduced in 1980, and it provided hardware support for floating-point arithmetic operations.

Floating-point arithmetic is used for calculations involving decimal numbers, which are common in scientific and engineering applications, as well as in graphics and multimedia processing. The 8087 offloaded these calculations from the main processor, significantly speeding up numeric computation tasks.

The 8087 performed operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square roots much faster than software implementations, which relied on the main processor's instructions. This acceleration was particularly important in fields like computer-aided design (CAD), numerical analysis, and gaming.

Later, Intel developed more advanced coprocessors, such as the 80287 and 80387, which offered improved performance and additional features. However, with the advancement of microprocessor technology, dedicated floating-point coprocessors became less common as modern CPUs integrated floating-point units directly into their designs.

How does one Burp on command?

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To burp on command, you can try swallowing air to build up gas in your stomach and then releasing it by contracting your diaphragm. Some people find success by drinking a carbonated beverage or swallowing air and then forcing it back up by using their throat muscles. Practice and patience may be needed to master the technique.

Highest priority interrupt in micro processor?

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The highest priority interrupt in a microprocessor is usually the reset interrupt. When a reset occurs, the microprocessor is forced to stop its current operations and begin executing the reset routine. This is critical for initializing the processor and setting it to a known state before starting normal operations.

What are segment registers?

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In the x86 processor architecture, memory addresses are specified in two parts called the segment and the offset. One usually thinks of the segment as specifying the beginning of a block of memory allocated by the system and the offset as an index into it. Segment values are stored in the segment registers. There are four or more segment registers: CS contains the segment of the current instruction (IP is the offset), SS contains the stack segment (SP is the offset), DS is the segment used by default for most data operations, ES (and, in more recent processors, FS and GS) is an extra segment register. Most memory operations accept a segment override prefix that allows use of a segment register other than the default one.

What is the difference between microprocessor and micro computer?

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A microprocessor is a processing unit that carries out instructions and tasks within a computer system. On the other hand, a microcomputer refers to a complete computer system that typically includes a microprocessor, memory, input/output devices, and storage. In essence, the microprocessor is the central processing unit within a microcomputer.

Why do we ever build just microprocessor Why not just build micro controllers that contains everything on chip?

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Microprocessors and microcontrollers serve different purposes. Microprocessors are better suited for more complex tasks that require higher processing power and flexibility, while microcontrollers are designed for simpler tasks that require lower processing power and are cost-effective. By using separate components, designers have the flexibility to choose the best option for their specific requirements.

Estimate the sum of 396 and 512?

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Not clear what the point of the question was, you may want to adjust it.

How many processors does Windows XP Professional support?

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Windows XP Professional supports up to two processors

What is the operating frequency of 8085 microprocessor?

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From the Wikipedia article, it looks like they would operate at 3, 5, or 6 megahertz (MHz), or maybe it's 3.5 MHz and 6 MHz (they use 3,5 - not sure if that's a European decimal point or a comma)

What does a data encoder do?

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1. Any program, circuit or algorithm which encodes.

Example usages: "MPEG encoder", "NTSC encoder", "RealAudio encoder".

2. A sensor or transducer for converting rotary motion or position to a series of electronic pulses.

An encoder is a device used to change a signal (such as a bitstream) or data into a code. The code may serve any of a number of purposes such as compressing information for transmission or storage, encrypting or adding redundancies to the input code, or translating from one code to another. This is usually done by means of a programmed algorithm, especially if any part is digital, while most analog encoding is done with analog circuitry.

* A compressor is used to encode data into a smaller form.

* A multiplexer combines multiple inputs into one output.

* A rotary encoder is a sensor, transducer for converting rotary motion or position to a code of electronic pulses.

* A linear encoder is a sensor, transducer or readhead paired with a scale that encodes position. The sensor reads the scale in order to convert the encoded position into an analog or digital signal, which can then be decoded into position by a digital readout (DRO). Motion can be determined by change in position over time. Linear encoder technologies include capacitive, inductive, eddy current, magnetic, and optical. Optical technologies include shadow, self imaging and interferometric. Linear encoders are used in metrology instruments and high precision machining tools ranging from digital calipers to coordinate measuring machines.

In digital audio technology, an encoder is a program that converts an audio WAV file into an MP3 file, a highly-compressed sound file that preserves the quality of a CD recording. (The program that gets the sound selection from a CD and stores it as a WAV file on a hard drive is called a ripper.) An MP3 encoder compresses the WAV file so that it is about one-twelfth the size of the original digital sound file. The quality is maintained by an algorithm that optimizes for audio perception, losing data that will not contribute to perception. The program that plays the MP3 file is called a player. Some audio products provide all three programs together as a package.

In computer technology, encoding is the process of putting a sequence of characters into a special format for transmission or storage purposes.

Physically how big was the Intel Pentium chip?

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Great, I just saw it yesterday, I think it was about 5cm long and wide, ABOUT*.

How do you calculate your computer system speed?

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Speed matter when it comes to computing. With new computers costing upward of $1,500, you will naturally want to ensure that you are getting what you paid for. Computer speed can be calculated through a number of different ways, but all of these methods can provide a reasonable approximation of how fast your computer is running. Many of these methods can also let you know how quickly your computer is running when compared to similar models, letting you know whether you found a bargain or a lemon.


1. Locate the basic speed of your computer by right clicking on the "My Computer" icon and selecting the option for 'Properties.' This will list the processor speed and onboard memory amounts of your machine, allowing you to see whether they match up with the promised manufacturer specs. Additionally, if you are running either Windows Vista or Windows 7, the screen will contain a general performance rating, allowing you to ascertain how capable your computer is of running the operating system.

2. Download the run the Sandra test (linked below in Resources) to determine how fast your computer's subsystems are when compared against similar models. You will be able to judge your computer's memory speed, hard drive speed, network speed, processing speed and all other salient characteristics of your machine. It will also allow you to compare your computer's results against the results of similarly equipped computer. The test itself is free to download, making it a bargain when it comes to calculating computer speed.

3. Use the SuperPI program (linked below in Resources) to calculate your overall processing speed compared against the most powerful computers in the world. The SuperPI program will calculate the number PI to 4,294,960,000 decimal digits, which will take most computers a fairly substantial amount of time.

There are many microprocessors controlled devices in the modern home list 7 and describe the effects of these on people lifestyle?

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These kind of devices could make communication with friends and people you know alot easier from home, they also make life easier, i.e : you can talk to your friends without meeting them using these devices.

Which has less number of instruction risc or cisc?

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RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. The design strategy of a RISC processor includes limiting the number of instructions. This does not mean that ALL RISC processors have less instructions than ALL CISC processors, but in general, they do.

What is the speed of the CPU meausured in?

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There is no one measurement of CPU speed. Different CPU's may perform differently on various tasks. For instance, you might find something like this:

CPU 'A' runs program 1 in 5 seconds

CPU 'A' runs program 2 in 4 seconds

CPU 'B' runs program 1 in 4 seconds

CPU 'B' runs program 2 in 7 seconds.

It may appear that CPU 'A' is faster over all in this instance... But it may be the case that program '1' is run 100 times more often than program '2' which would make CPU 'B' the faster one.

There are some very complicated ways of actually figuring out which is faster, but that would require looking deeply into its architecture. And the problems your CPU will be working on. The best way to get an idea about what processor is actually faster is to look at sites that offer processor benchmarks such as Otherwise you will be looking into MIPS (Millions of instructions per second.) along with GHz, and today you will even need to see how much a parallel architecture will speed up your program.

Don't let anyone tell you there is one simple number that will tell you how fast a computer is. Many people have tried to use GHz as a measure in the past, but this just isn't valid on its own. If you have 20 pipelines stages, your throughput will be lower for the same clockrate. The only time clock rates can be compared is between processors with the same architecture. (And I don't just mean x86 here!) They need to be developed with the same caches, branch prediction etc.

What is the normal temp for a CPU?

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The temperature at the CPU varies from CPU to CPU, the best thing to do is to find your CPU model at Intel or AMD (more likely) look at the specs. and should tell you the maximum temperature it can handle

How is CPU speed calculated?

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CPU speed is calculated off of the Front Side Bus (FSB) speed and the CPU Multiplier. Don't confuse HyperTransport (HT) or Quad Data Rate (QDR, aka Quad Pumping) with FSB. HyperTransport and QDR have "replaced" FSB, but they too rely on the FSB. FSB was formerly used as a transport medium for data between the processor, memory and northbridge chipset and is now used more just as a reference clock frequency.

FSB * Multiplier = CPU Speed

For example, my Sempron 3400+ runs at 2.0 GHz with an 800MHz HyperTransport bus. It runs on a 200 MHz FSB bus and has a multiplier of 10. The HyperTransport multiplier is 4.

200 MHz FSB * 10x Multiplier = 2,000 MHz CPU

200 MHz FSB * 8x HT Multiplier = 800 MHz HyperTransport bus

What is the Difference between microprocessor and chip?

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the IC that is organized as a single-chip microprocessor contains only CPU without the other peripherals like ROM, RAM, and I/O ports that comprise a microcomputer, while the single-chip microcomputer is the chip that contains all the components that give the capabilities of the microcomputer.

How much does a processor cost?

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Depends on what you are buying.

Small embedded processors can be purchased (in large quantities) for well under $1 (many are available for about 25 cents).

Very sophisticated processors may run into the thousands of dollars each.

Mil-spec or aerospace rated microprocessors can easily reach into the tens of thousands of dollars each.