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Q: Does a microscope make objects look larger?
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What is to make objects larger is to?

a microscope

To make an object look larger?

Use a microscope or magnifying glass. (Something that magnifies objects.)

What is used to make objects appear larger?

a microscope

A device used to make objects not visible to the human eye larger?

a microscope

How do the lenses of a microscope make an object look larger?


What has the ability to make things look larger than they are?


How do lenses of a microscope make an object look larger'?

The magnification of the lens.

Used to make an item look larger?

A magnifying glass. Binoculars. A telescope. A miscroscope.

How do microscope lenss work?

a microscope lense magnifies smaller objects to make them seem larger.....that's all i got so if it didn't help sorry.

How through the use of lenses how do microscopes make objects look?
