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Q: How through the use of lenses how do microscopes make objects look?
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What do microscopes use to make things look bigger?

light microscopes uses light and lenses to magnify things look bigger .

How do microscopes produce magnified images?

The concave and the convection of the lenses.

Instruments used by scientists that allow them to look at objects more closely are called?


What tool that has lenses that make objects look larger?


How are telescopes and microscopes alike and different?

Telescopes and microscopes both enlarge objects so that more detail can be seen.

What are ways scientists use hand lenses?

To see objects closer to look at it

How is the miceoscope work?

Microscopes are devices which use lenses and illumination to make small things look larger and to make target objects (= things that you want to see magnified) more clearly visible. Generally, microscopes are made up of a number of different lenses which work in combination. With the illumination system, the way that the illumination is applied and the type of illumination can be changed, depending on the nature of the object to be looked at, to make it appear clearer. Regular microscopes mainly consist of two types of lenses, an objective lens and an eyepiece, as well as a stage to place the target object on and illumination system. The object that is placed on the stage is first magnified by the objective lens which is close to it. It is then further magnified by the eyepiece, making the object look larger. more

What type of lens is used for making nearby objects look bigger?

convex shaped lenses are used to magnify objects

In a light microscope the lenses does what to the image?

makes objects look closer than they appear

What are lenses that make objects look larger?

You need a convex lens to magnify an image.

What is the difference between a magnifying glass and a microscope?

microscopes are more scientific id say. They can look closer at what you're looking at than the magnifying glass. But microscopes are generally much bigger. Magnifying glasses are qite light as well. ( I have both ) Magnifying glass are simple lenses while micorscopes have two lenses so if you needed to look at something in great detail I would look at it with a microscope...

Why are microscopes important tool for biologists?

its important to biologists because they have to discover different objects and look close at it in order to see