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Q: Does a mold form when hard parts of an organism buried by sediments Are gradually dissolved?
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Is it true that Fossils most often form when a dead organism is buried in sediments.?

yes only if they are buried for over millions of years

What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved minerials?

sedimentary rock

What fossil mold that reflects the shape and surface markings of an organism is created?

When the organism is buried in sediment and then dissolved by underground water

What is the correct order of fossilization?

organism dies sediments make layers buried in sediment erosion exposes fossils minerals replace bone and shell

What type of rock is made slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved minerals?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.

What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.

What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved minerals?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.

What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved mineral's?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.

Coral buried by sediments over time turn into what?


Is natural gas is formed from dead organisms buried in sediments?


Where does the final deposition of sediment usually ocur?

The final deposition of sediments usually occur in their final resting place called the deposition environment. These sediments are buried by other sediments.

What will happen to sediments in a million years?

The sediments go into the ocean and get dry and become buried. The sediments go through some cementation and compaction and become sedimentary rock! :) Hope you enjoy...