

Does a mongoose have fur

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Does a mongoose have fur
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Does the Egyptian mongoose have fur?

yes it has tanish fur

Does a mongoose have an inherited trait?

they do because of their fur

Does Mongoose give wool?

I'm not sure, Mongoose fur is tough and its course, some are soft but, the fur isn't really long enough to make wool ...?

Are mongoose an amphibian or an reptile?

No mongoose have spinal cords, but they are so flexible it's almost not there.

What is Southern European mongoose with greyish brown speckled fur?


Burrowing animals with long tails and dark fur around eyes?

It is either a meerkat or a mongoose

In India what animal is set up to fight cobras given its thick fur and resistance to venom?


How does a mongoose defend itself?

For the mongoose to protect it self it does a back flip, and scares away and unwonted prey.

Why does a mongoose die if bitten by a poisonous snake but can kill and eat the same snake and live?

When the mongoose eats and kills the snake, it knows to stay away from it's head, (Where the venom sack's are), and eat the rest of the body where none of the venom is. If the mongoose is bitten by the snake though, the snake will inject the venom through it's fangs, from the venom sacks, thus killing the mongoose.

Are the possum and the mongoose the spitting cobras prey?

I'm not sure about the possum but the mongoose actually eats spitting cobras and other types of snake. The reason why the cobras venom doesn't affect the mongoose is because it has long and thick fur so that the venom stays on top of the skin and doesn't seep into the blood stream.

What is a mongoose male called?

A male mongoose is called a mongoose

What does a mongoose do to protect it self from there enemies?

It's weapon is its sharp teeth and it's ability to fluff up its' fur so if a snake strikes, it only gets a mouthful of fur.