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I'm not sure about the possum but the mongoose actually eats spitting cobras and other types of snake. The reason why the cobras venom doesn't affect the mongoose is because it has long and thick fur so that the venom stays on top of the skin and doesn't seep into the blood stream.

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Q: Are the possum and the mongoose the spitting cobras prey?
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What Makes A Mongoose and A Cobras Enemies?

a mongoose eats a king cobra so the cobra is the mongoose's prey.

Are spitting cobras carnivores herbivores or omnivores?

Spitting cobras are a type of snake. Like all snakes, they are carnivorous. A spitting cobra's prey includes small animals such as rodents.

What snake spits poison?

Spitting Cobras are well known for their ability to spit venom at their predators and prey.

What are a king cobras enemy?

The Mongoose and the Honey Badger, and some raptors (by that I mean birds of prey). And as always, man.

Is a king cobra a predator or prey?

Prey: Other snakes and rodents Predators: Vultures, eagles, humans, and the mongoose

Who is the king cobras biggest nemesis?

The king cobra's only notable predator is the mongoose, which can hunt king cobras due to its immunity to the cobras neurotoxin. However, the king cobra's defense tactic of extending its hood, standing, and hissing a low hiss is usually successful in intimidating an attacking mongoose into leaving it alone, coupled with the fact that most of the mongoose's other prey is much easier to kill than a cobra.

Is the king cobra a snake?

There are several species of spitting cobras, the King Cobra is not one of them. Black-Necked Spitting Cobra Black Spitting Cobra Western Barred Spitting Cobra Red Spitting Cobra Mozambique Spitting Cobra Malaysian Spitting Cobra Black and White Spitting Cobra Sumatran Spitting Cobra Nubian Spitting Cobra

How do spitting cobras hunt for food?

While I don't honestly know too much about spitting cobras, I do know a fair bit about snakes in general and that when they spit/ hiss/ flatten their frill they are defending themselves so presumably they hunt like all other snakes; by sniffing and smelling their prey then poisoning it through their fangs.

What is a cobras prey?

a small animal that it wants to kill or eat

What is a mongoose prey?

A mongoose has many prey's such as road runners, bunnies, and more. There is a particular animal or should I say reptile that is a mongoose prey that is a strong snake... a king cobra.

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Is a spitting cobra prey or a predator?

Generally a Cobra is a predator. However, they are preyed on by rare specialist predators like Mongoose and Alpha predators like Honey Badgers.