

Does a mother need to breast feed her baby?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes. If you have a short haried rabbit you can see them and you will see after she has babies and look in her cage.

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Q: Does a mother need to breast feed her baby?
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Do you need breast?

Yes, but it doesn't matter how big they are. If you ever have a baby, and choose to breast feed, you will need to breast feed it. Other than that, you don't really need them.

Is it safe for a 6 week old baby if you breast and bottle feed?

Yes, definitely. Some kids need more than the mother can produce at the time, and baby formula is safe.

Is it safe to supplement with formula while breast feeding?

Yes you can switch to formula. However, its better to breast feed the baby because breast milk can help in the development in the baby's immune system. Plus the best thing about breast feeding your baby is that it really helps the mother lose a lot of weight after the baby is born. But if you are breast feeding make sure to keep an eye on your baby to decrease a chance of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), the mother's breast may "smother" her baby by accident. while the baby is being fed, if the baby is held too tight to the breast of the mother, she may be covering its nose and the baby may not be able to breath and suffocate.

Who owns the breast baby or husband?

Breast is owned by the mother. If mother is nursing an infant, the infant get priority for milk. However, stimulation of the breasts is important to a lot of people sexually, and it is not impossible (or even difficult) for mom to feed baby AND for husband to give wife pleasure. If this is seen as a conflict, thee are probably some emotional issues here that need to be addressed.

Can baby sheep survive without their mother?

A baby goat (kid) should really get colostrum from its mother to help develop its immunity and it won't survive without its mothers milk unless you provide supplementary feed as in you need to feed it.

What type of products does The Nursing Baby carry?

The Nursing Baby company carries just about anything a mother who is breastfeeding may need including, but not limited to nursing blankets, breast shields, breast to bottle transition items and breast milk pumps.

What do you feed the baby guineapigs when they are born?

The mother will feed the babies milk. She will nurse them for about 2 to 3 months after birth. She will teach them to eat the food you feed her. There is nothing special you need to do.

Do spiders feed young with milk?

Spiders don't feed their babies with milk. Baby spiders get their feed by themselves catching small insects and don't need mother's care.

Do women have to use a breast pump to nurse a baby?

Yes! Without the use of a breast pump the milk can and will dry up...not good. Pumping encourages more production, so pump and feed and pump. take a break. feed, pump, feed. pump, feed, pump. feed, pump, feed. you get the idea.

Why do you need baby food?

To feed your baby.

What care do you need to give a newborn baby?

Sing to him the sweetest lullabies you can find. Talc on his little buttocks, feed him with your breast milk, and love, much love.

You got unbalanced lactation your other breast has more while the other seems nothing already what should you do?

Resist the urge to pump more or feed your baby more from the full side. This will only make it produce more. Try to alternate which breast you start with every time you feed your baby. Your baby will automatically take more from the breast that you offer him/her first. You need to encourage the more empty breast to produce as much as the other. Eventually, your breasts will produce the same amount and it will be just what your baby needs. It may take a few days for them to balance out, but try to be patient.