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In child support issues the legal counsel for the custodial parent will usually ask the non custodial parent to voluntarily supply documentation of his or her income/assets. This would include a W-2 and/or copy of the person's tax return.

If the non custodial parent refuses to comply voluntarily the attorney willlikely file apetition for a Motion to CompelDiscovery with the court. If it is granted the non compliant parent will be served with a court order to present the documents and/or information listed on the writ. Failing to do so within the designated time could result contemp of court charges.

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Q: Does a non-custodial parent have to submit their W-2 to the lawyer representing the custodial parent in New York State?
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This is hard to answer because there can be many variables involved. The noncustodial parent may contest the move and take the custodial parent to court to show cause. But it may not be possible for the noncustodial parent to actually prevent the move unless the move is out of state.

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Custodial, as he/she has primary control and influence.

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Get a lawyer and have the matter taken before a judge. Even if the custodial parent refuses to respond to your attempts, she (or he) will have no choice in responding to a subpoena.

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Generally, no.

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Only the court has the power to deny visitation rights.