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Pangolins are nocturnal, meaning they sleep at night.

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Q: Does a pangolin sleep at night or during the day?
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What are animals that sleep at night called?

== == Animals that SLEEP at night (and are awake in the DAY) are called DIURNAL. Animals that are awake at night and sleep during the day are NOCTURNAL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------

What are animals who sleep in the day and come out at night called?

Animals who sleep during the day and are awake at night are called nocturnals.

Why do hedgehogcome at night?

They are noucturnal, which means they sleep during the day and are awake during the night.

Does a gorilla sleep in day or night?

A gorilla sleeps at night and is active during the day.

Why do you get improper sleep in day time?

If you sleep during the day, this may result in improper sleep at night. It is a good idea to sleep at night so that you aren't sleeping all day.