


Anteaters only eat ants and termites with their long tongues and narrow snout. Ask questions about these sloth-like creatures here.

486 Questions

Are anteater are carnivores?

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Yes, anteaters are insectivores, meaning they primarily feed on ants and termites by using their long, sticky tongues to capture prey. They do not consume meat from larger animals.

Are anteaters carnivores?

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Yes they are carnivores.

What trophic level is imported red fire ant on?

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Imported red fire ants are typically on the secondary consumer trophic level, as they primarily consume other insects and small invertebrates.

What is an anteater a autotroph or a heterotroph?

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An anteater is a heterotroph because it relies on consuming other organisms, such as ants and termites, for energy and nutrients. Autotrophs, on the other hand, can produce their own food through processes like photosynthesis.

Are anteaters herbivores?

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No they aren't they eat ANTS!

Why is a giraffes tongue black?

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A giraffe's tongue is black to protect it from sunburn while it is out for long periods of time feeding on leaves from trees. The dark pigment in their tongues acts as a natural sunscreen to prevent them from getting injured or sunburned.

Is an anteater a bird?

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There are many different kinds of anteaters in the world, but none of them are monotremes. All anteaters are placental mammals.

There is an animal nicknamed the "spiny anteater". Its proper name is echidna and it is not a true anteater; nor is it even related to anteaters. The echidna is a monotreme, and native to Australia and New Guinea. Australia and New Guinea have no true anteaters.

What do jack jumper ants eat?

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Jack jumper ants are carnivorous and primarily feed on small insects, honeydew, and nectar. They are known to be aggressive predators, hunting and attacking other insects to feed on. Some species of jack jumper ants also tend to aphids and consume the honeydew they produce.

What is the scientific name of a anteater?

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The scientific name of an anteater is Myrmecophaga tridactyla.

What is the scientific name for an anteater?

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Asked by Natmax

The scientific name for an anteater is Myrmecophaga tridactyla for the giant anteater, and Tamandua for the smaller species of anteaters.

What are anteaters classification?

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Can ant eater climb trees?

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Some species do, other species do not.

How do anteaters find food?

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Anteaters do not have very good eyesight but they do have an excellent sense of smell and use it to sniff out sources of food. When they find an ant or termite nest they tear open the nest with their strong fore-claws and then probe the debris with their long thin tongues.

Where are anteaters located?

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they are the fist mammals to get to south America

Do Ants really eat Grasshoppers?

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yes it has been scientifically proven that grasshoppers eat small animals such as cats, and dogs. there have also been incidents were a group of grasshoppers have eaten a babies as scientifically found by doctor Travis Hogan of Sunbury medical university in the field of study of grasshoppers and the dangers they possess

What predators do giant ant eaters have?

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sperm whale shark pilot whale

What colors are anteater fur?

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The colour of an anteater's coat depends on the species.

The Giant anteater, for example, is grey or brown, and it has a white-banded black stripe running halfway down its body. The Silky anteater has fur which is grey to yellow in colour, with a silvery sheen. The Southern Tamandua is mostly light or dark tan, or brown or black, with black markings around their shoulders which resemble a vest. The Northern Tamandua has the distinctive black vest over creamy-yellow fur.

Do humans eat anteaters?

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Ants, other insects and worms .

What do you call a South American Anteater?

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The Giant Anteater, it is the largest species of anteater. It is found in Central and South America.

Do lions eat anteaters?

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Given the necessity, a lion might kill or even eat a cougar, but these two big cat species don't share a habitat. Cougars are common in North America where there are no lions. Lions are common in Africa where there are no cougars. So, there is little possibility of these two animals coming face to face in conflict.

What type of vertebrate is a anteater?

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An In-vertebrate. As in, they are not vertebrates at all. Ants are arthropods and have external skeletons, while vertebrates such as dogs, have internal skeletons

How do anteaters look like?

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go to the library and find a book with pictures of African animals, or you can go to Google, type in "Anteater then click on images and voila!! a picture of an anteater.