

Does a parrot have a predator?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Does a parrot have a predator?
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What is the predator of the African grey parrot?

it's the puertoricun iguana

What is the predator of a parrot fish?

Sharks, or any other larger fish that can fit the parrot fish in it's mouth.

Is a snake a predator and a prey?

The prey of the snakes could be lizards and frogs and the predator could be some birds like the owl, parrot, hawk, etc.

What is they prey and predator of a snake?

The prey of the snakes could be lizards and frogs and the predator could be some birds like the owl, parrot, hawk, etc.

Can a parrot fish outrun its predators?

Im guessing that the parrot fish would be able to outrun some of its predators but not all of them it all depends on the speed of the predator

What is the fastest flying parrot?

I seen somewhere that budgie flies at speeds up to 70 MPH when getting chased by an predator! Amazing huh?

What is predator to a squid?

Squid eat fish. They are carnivores. They catch the fish with one of their long arms and pull it to their mouth. Squid have a hard beak like a parrot's.

Is Amazon parrot a parrot?

Yes, Amazon parrot is the common name for a parrot of the genus Amazona.

What is the difference between a parrot and a parrot fish?

well a parrot is a bird and a parrot fish is a fish

Is it a cave parrot or a cove parrot?

It's a cave parrot

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Why is the Kakapo so special?

The Kakapo is the world's:only nocturnal parrot,only flightless parrot,heaviest parrot,rarest parrot.