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No, but a peripheral nerve does.

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Q: Does a peripheal nerve pass from the spinal chord into the limbs?
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What organs are used in nerve system?

Brain, Nerves, Spinal Chord

What does the vertebrates protect?

it protects a hollow nerve chord

Does birds have spinal cord?

Yes, they have a dorsal (at the back) nerve chord as they are vertebrates ( they have an internal skeleton).

What are the side effects of spinal nerve damage?

Damage to the spinal nerve roots can lead to pain, numbness, weakness, and paresthesia (abnormal sensations in the absence of stimuli) in the limbs or trunk.

Why a peripheral nerve such as the sciatic nerve can contain nerve fiber from several spinal nerves?

The reason why a peripheral nerve such as the sciatic nerve can contain nerve fiber from several spinal nerves is owing to nerve plexuses. These are networks of nerves all tangled together and found mostly in the limbs.

What nerve carries impulses through the spinal cord?

The spinal cord and the abdomen, limbs, and chest. Spinal nerves carry impulses between the spinal cord and the abdomen, limbs, and chest. Cranial nerves carry impulses between the brain and the neck and head.

What Nerve to the brain triggers pain?

Afferent nerves carry impulses to the CNS (central nervous system: brain/spinal chord).

The classic gate-control theory suggests that pain is experienced when small nerve fibers activate and open a neural gate in the?

spinal chord

What contains the cranial nerve and spinal nerve?

Spinal Accessory Nerve

What are some parts of the frog's nervous system?

Olfactory nerve, Optic nerve, Nasal sack, Trigeminal nerve, Gasserian ganglion, Facial nerve, Auditory nerve, Tympanic membrane, Glossopharyngeal nerve, pneumogastric nerve, First spinal nerve, Branchial enlargement, Branchial nerve, Third spinal nerve, fourth spinal nerve, fifth spinal nerve, sixth spinal nerve, seventh spinal nerve, eighth spinal nerve, ninth spinal nerve, tenth spinal nerve, Femoral nerve, Sciatic nerve, Sympathetic nerve trunk, Lumbar enlargement, Sympathetic ganglia, and Filum terminale.

Where does the spinal nerve take nerve impulses?

the spinal nerve sends nerve impulses away from the CNS

Why are nerve cells long?

Nerve cells have to be long enough to extend from where they are located in the body, the hands and feet for example, to the spinal chord or brain. Some nerve cells in a giraffe may be ten feet long. Others may be very short.