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The only way a plane will not take off is a thunderstorm, hurricane, snow, twister, blinding gases from volcano, or earthquake. Rain is weak in compaarison to the metal of an airplane

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Q: Does a plane take off and land in rain?
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Can plane take off in water?

Some plane's are made to take off and land on water

Can you land and take off a plane on tom clancy's hawx?

No, if you try to land on a runway, your plane explodes when you hit the ground.

Can airplanes take off in rain?

Yes. Although a certain amount of drag is introduced when airplanes are flying in the rain, this is minimal and has very little effect on the handling of the aircraft. Airplanes can take off, fly, and land in the rain in perfect safety.

Opposite of take off?

If its plane wise then it's to land. Otherwise if it's clothes wise, then its to put on.

Can you take effigen on a plane?

It is still illegal even if you are not on any countries soil, when you take off from the ground it is understood that you are already in the country where the plane will land and therefore that countries laws are in effect.

Who lands airplanes control tower or ground control?

Air control lands the plane. They also take the plane off, and pretty much get the plane from point A to B. As soon as they land and turn off the runway, Air control hands them off to ground control which brings them to the gate and from the gate to runway for take off again...

Why are the flaps of the wings on a plane adjust thoughout the flight?

That is not common. Flaps are generally used to take-off and land.

What is airport announcement?

Airport accounment is when they accounce when a flight is about to take off or when a plane gonna land from where to where..stuff like that.

Can planes take off and land at same time?

No because the air around the plane has pressure. If two planes take off at the same time the planes will crash. The planes might crash if they land at the same time.

How much energy did it take for the plane to take off?

Depends on the plane

What three unique tricks can a harrier plane perform?

Hover, take off or land vertically, and fly sideways and backward.

What is the name of a plane that takes off from the land?

aeroplane. it has a long run up on land and takes off