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Q: Does a plant with green leaves make more food than a plant with purple leaves?
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How do plants without green leaves such as the purple velvet vine make food?

yes. the chlorophyll in the plant is under the leaves of the plant. :)

In which part of a green plant is its food made?

in the leaves

What type of food does a green plant eat?

The type of food that a green plant eats is mostly food that manufacture. They use chlorophyll which is the green pigment on the leaves to make their food.

Which parts of a plant make most of a plant's food?

The green parts (leaves).

In which part of the plant is food manufacturer?

In a plant, the food is composed within the cellular chloroplasts.

What part of a plant is most of its food produced?

the green parts of a plant are able to make food for the plant. what parts of plants probably make most of the food for the plant? A Roots B Stems C Flowers D Leaves The answer is D Leaves

How do colorful leaves produce food for the plant?

The leaves are still able to make food even if they are colors other than green.

What is a specialized structure in a plant that makes its own food?

A plant has green leaves. The substance that makes them green is called chlorophyll. The plant uses the chlorophyll to photosynthesise which is the name for the process of it making its own food.

Do yellow and orange leaves and purple make food?

Who's food? I don't totally understand the question but, leaves that have changed from green to another color no longer make food for the plant from which they originate. Also, if this was the answer you were looking for, maple, birch, cherry, and Virginia apple leaves that have turned can make very nutritious meals for animals and humans.

Do plants get energy from their green leaves?

no the plant harnesses sunlight from its leaves and finds food (minerals) and water from the roots.

Why doesn't the food made by the green parts of the leaf travel to non-green part of the plant?

The food made in the leaves travels to the stem and does reach other parts of the plant.

Do plant roots have chloroplast?

NO, only plant leaves. This is because photosynthesis(assuming you know what that is) takes place within these leaves- so chloroplasts in the leaves trap photons(light particles) with a green substance called chlorophyll. The trapped energy is then used as food for the plant! The green in the chlorophyll gives plant leaves their green color! Cool, eh?